Monday, September 30, 2019

Analysis of the Modernist Design Style

Modernism is appear in 20Thursdaycentury. And Modernism is including simple and no ornament design manner. Although this manner was appear early 20Thursdaycentury and have different interior decorators or designer have many spread. But still hold excessively small modern architecture physique in early 20Thursdaycentury. After World War II, they become many company and bureau. And do this manner be the top. Here have some designer is more celebrated. Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the celebrated designer in early 20Thursdaycentury. He is a American Institute of Architects, interior interior decorator, Writer and Educators. His design undertaking is over 1000 and complete about five 100s. And he believes that design should accomplish harmoniousness between worlds and the environment. And it become Organic architecture. For illustration, Fallingwater is the celebrated on the universe. This design can turn out his thought. Besides this design is one of the best designer on the American. More than 70 old ages of his calling at Architects. He design different architecture. It including Office, Church, Skyscrapers, Hotel and Museum. Besides he design some furniture and stained glass. In his life he write over 20 book and article. And he is the celebrated talkers. In 1991, American Institute of Architects name Wright â€Å"The best Architect† . He designed different architecture. And his design was celebrated. For illustration, Robie House, Imerial Hotel, Fallingwater, Taliesin West, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower and Jonson Wax Headquarters. Besides his thought was affected many interior decorator. Person said how Wright work alteration American architecture, but person said â€Å"How did n't Frank Lloyd Wright alteration architecture in America I think is truly the manner to state it because it is difficult to conceive of what American architecture would be like or even likely universe architecture without Frank Lloyd Wright. About the Organic architecture, he has a celebrated plant. It called Fallingwater. Fallingwater physique in 1934-1937. In 1991, members of the American institute of Architects named the house the â€Å" best all-time work of American architecture† and in 2007, it was ranked 29th on the list of Amercian’s Favorite Architecture harmonizing to the AIA. About the design, the form of the edifice expression natural, insouciant, stretch. Besides The chief room of the edifice with an out-of-door patio, platforms and roads, intertwined, besides obtained with the environing natural landscape with the consequence of merger. About the stuff, White concrete and rock Lashkar-e-Taiba this design expression merge in the environment. And this design is really particular. Because the platform is above the waterfall, this design in that clip is intensely. And this design was influence many designer. Besides it cause the new design manner. About the Taliesin West design, he thinks it has b een linked with the desert. So he utilize local rock and concrete. Besides the natural lighting is the chief function. Because he believes the natural lighting can allow inside the edifice connect to the exterior. His thought has affected some designer. For illustration Neville Gruzman, Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, Alvar Aalto, Nari Gandhi and Bruce Goff. All of them have build Organic architecture. Such as Neville Gruzman. Hills House and Gruzman House is the celebrated organic architecture. Besides Hills House is the work is thought of as a two 20Thursdaycentury houses: â€Å"Fallingwater† and â€Å"Farnsworth House† . And Gruzman House is use stuffs such as dark stained lumbers and natural brick. His designer is conform Wright method. About Bruce Goff, he said that his hero is Wright and Sullivan. Then he started to reach the original design. Bavinger House is important illustration of organic architecture. The house has no interior wall ; alternatively there are a series of platforms at different tallness, with drapes that can be drawn for privateness. The design usage many natural dark, make the inside country connect to the exterior. Kendrick Bangs Kellogg is an pioneer of organic architecture. In 1955, he met Wright and the brief meeting provided an inspiration. His design is non fit neatly into the same with Wright, Bruce Goff or other organic designers. His edifice are surveies of superimposed, segmented and unfolding infinite. And he design Onion house. It is a landmark of organic architecture. The design usage employs semitransparent curving roof panels. Since with no outside walls, the division between interior and exterior consists of screen or stained glass. But person possibly doesn’t cognize what organic designer is. So Wright explains that, it is term meant from nature, organic architecture was so a natural architecture. And now we eventually understand what organic designer is. And he believe good edifice is non one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the edifice was built. So he wants clean lines and simpleness. And disliked intricate item and irritability of the architectural manners. In add-on to organic designer, Wright steel has affected other designer. For illustration John S. Van Bergen. And his manner is Prairie manner places. About the Prairie manner. In 1909, Wright developed what known as the Prairie Style. Typical Prairie manner place is distinguished by horizontal lines on the outside, emphasized by a low-pitched hipped roof. But Wright use different colour, and allow the ceiling highs and hallway breadths to alternately compress and spread out the sense of infinite. His design went beyond the edifice to the finest inside informations of the interior infinite, include furniture, art glass and other interior design. And the celebrated prairie manner designer is Robie House. It was designed in 1908. Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs of place and edifice have inspired coevalss of designers, including most of what is called â€Å"modern architecture.† His influence is international—many other states have considered Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs as a major templet of their modern-day manners. More than 30 provinces in the United States possess Frank Lloyd Wright constructions and most architectural critics agree with that every province in the state has edifices that reflect Wright’s manner. Presents, when human want to develop something else, and they will destruct the natural. So they must retrieve that Wright has said the human existences and nature can conexist. And it is of import, even he is gone, but his architectural theory still affected other interior decorator. But person think he was chesty adult male. Because he want to allow his ain considerable on his clients. For illustration, Fallingwater. The design is particular and advanced. But despite there may be dangers he still carry out his out his design. I think his behaviour is right. Because if one’s creativeness is easy affected by the others, so that one is non a qualified interior decorator. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Walmart Go Green(Washing)

Thinking of the natural disasters happening around the world In 2013, for example, Tornado In Oklahoma, the Unite States, Flash Flood In Gingham, China, Tornado In Salaams, Japan, It Is generally known that the extreme fluctuation of weather and natural disasters are caused by the global warming. Scientists tried to figure out why the global warming exists and concluded that the primary contribution to climate change is from the quantities of heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO) that emit into the atmosphere (Palmer, Charles, and Stefan).There are many factor causes Global warming, such as CO emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants, CO emissions from burning gasoline for transportation, deforestation, increase in usage of chemical fertilizers on farmland, or etc. However, deforestation is the most important causes of global warming, because the deforestation not only releases large amounts of carbon, but also reduce the amount of carbon capture on the planet and a mount of oxygen, clean and fresh alarm for humans and animals.Humans are believed to be the contributor with the rise In level of CO. A huge amount of paper products usage Is the one of satellites and contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. With every passing day, It Is discovered that global warming now is worse than before; people turn to purchase green product with hope to have better world. It seems that â€Å"green† and â€Å"sustainability are everywhere and businesses are all looking for some sort of connection with anything â€Å"green† and â€Å"sustainability.A numerous companies, which gain a large number of profits from society, startup plan to preserve the world environment and promise to help the world live better. However, some companies use greenmailing, misleading green- based advertising campaigns and marketing to increase their sales. In other words, they want only to take this advantage of â€Å"green† to raise their profits. Wa lter, the world's largest retailer, accelerates their environmental concerns by leading In paper consumption reduction.Walter uses a smart packaging on their product to cuts down on their paper packaging usage (â€Å"Global Responsibility). Can Walter's smarter packaging on the products lessen the global warming? American people and some organization and institute doubt in Walter's activities. This act of worry about lobar warming can misinform consumers Walter less cost and high profit. Global Warming and Cutting Trees We all know that high level of CO in atmosphere causes climate change, resulting in natural calamities and yield crop agriculture. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, wide spread melting if snow and Ice, and rising global average sea level† (Frank 2). Global warming will be good for some area, where Is too cold for agriculture. The global average temperatur e Is quiet rising, but many areas are become drier, drought, and flood. Some areas will be winners, while other will be losers, because the temperature zones where most people live are becoming production and water resources.The global warming is severe issue that everybody should to turn in and help to solve it. Trees play an important role to protect world from heat and trap Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Tree also â€Å"produce oxygen, shade sidewalks, homes and storefronts, cool cities, provide habitat for wildlife, clean the air of pollutants, protect people from harmful ultraviolet rays, absorb storm water, prevent soil erosion, shelter homes from winter winds, beautify ties, and sequester carbon dioxide, a critical role to play in combating global warming† (Oliver 123). Forests help to protect world from heat and improve air quality. Trees help by removing (sequestering) CO from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to form carbohydrates that are used in pla nt structure/function and return oxygen back into the atmosphere as a byproduct† (Bianca). Therefore, trees act as carbon sinks, alleviating the global warming. â€Å"On average, one acre of new forest can sequester about 2. 5 tons of carbon annually. Young trees absorb CO at a rate of 13 pounds per tree each year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 48 pounds of CO per year† (Bianca).At that rate, trees release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere for life on earth. Planting trees could reduce carbon and consequently save consumers on utility bills, because trees also reduce the greenhouse effect by shading houses and office buildings. Moreover, when the world cools down, reducing the need for air conditioning, which in turn reduces the amount of fossil fuels burned to produce electricity. To sum up, human being uses paper such as buying nee cereal box, meaning that he or she cut tree , reduced carbon capture, destroyed world air filter and consumed fossil fuels.Greenmailing After some research has revealed that cutting trees has several adverse effects on the climate. Many businesses are sincerely committed to making the world a better, but for some businesses, environmental issues are little more than a convenient advertisement. Some businesses persuade people to buy their products; by claiming that buying their products end environmental issues. In 1999, the Oxford English dictionary defines the word ‘greenmailing in their dictionary as â€Å"disinformation assassinated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image†.When a firm tried to make advertising that they are environmentally friendly and they are concerning about climate changing, clean air, clear water, or no chemical than on actually putting into place practices that are environmentally friendly. For example, bottled water companies are trying to go gree n, but actually greenmailing, by coming up with catchphrases – partially made out of some sort of plant material. They are trying to convince their customers that drinking their bottled eater reduce plastic waste and they conceal what kind of plants are being used to make this stuff.In 2005 Walter also has announced plan in public to be more environmentally friendly. It launched its sustainability campaign. It set goals to have 100 percent renewable energy, to create zero waste, and to make more environmentally friendly products Jasmine). â€Å"Wall-Mart's environmental goals center around reducing waste, environmentally friendly packaging, offering environmentally more energy efficient† Jasmine). â€Å"On February 1, 2007, Walter unveiled ‘Sustainability 360†², its company-wide emphasis on environmental sustainability' (Annie).In 2008-2009, Walter has taken a zero-waste stance and have started implementing various programs. One of its interesting programs is rethinking packaging reduced paper consumption by redesigning their packaging. However, according to research by the nonprofit Institute for Local Self-Reliance claimed that â€Å"Walter's heavily-promoted sustainability initiatives have done more to improve the company's image than to help the environment† (CTD. In â€Å"Walter Accused of Greenmailing†). This is because of increase in sales after launching sustainability campaign in 2005.Walter's revenue increased from $312 billion in 2005 to $419 lion in 2010 (Stacy 4). This report slightly inspires writers and Journalists to take a closer look at what Walter really care about environmental or short-term profit. Wall-Mart rethinking packaging Walter, the large discount department store in the United States, now has the total area of all U. S. Stores, 698 million square feet, larger than those of the island of Manhattan, 641 million square feet. Furthermore, Walter increases its international store almost tripled, from about 1 ,600 to 4,600 stores.After Walter launched its sustainability campaign in 2005, the number of Americans who had an unfavorable IEEE of Walter decreased from 38 percent to 20 percent in 2010 (Stacy 4); moreover, it sells 35 percent more stuff. Because of the fact that Walter is the largest retail store in the United States and their sales are significant, Americans expect from Walter with environmental issues. Walter is introducing itself the leader of preserve natural resources such as trees, water and fuel. It is trying to find new ways to protect the planet.Working with its suppliers to rethink its processes and product presentation, Walter plans to cut back on their paper products to reduce cutting trees that capture CO and generate fresh air. From toys and footwear to cooking products, Walter has reduced its packaging across the board† (Ron). This large firm improved and redesigned the footwear replenishment boxes by using smarter packaging on its footwear box (see Figure 1). â€Å"Sustainable packaging for shoes has also been revamped† (Ron). â€Å"The new box uses Just a single source of paper, fits multiple pairs of shoes† (â€Å"Global Responsibility').Figure : Old and Redesigned Shoes Box In the result, in 2011, during the first 10 months, Walter used about 14. 4 million footwear replenishment boxes, reducing paper consumption by 692 tons (1 mounds), the environmental equivalent of more than 2,500 trees. Redesigned the footwear box uses 43 percent less paper and reduces costs by 28 percent (â€Å"Global Responsibility'). Conversely, â€Å"each person in the United States uses 749 pounds (keg) of paper every year† (Sam). In other words, now current U. S. Population is 316. 80 million, so the total paper consumption per year is 118,641,600 tons (237,283,200,000 pounds).If comparing the reduced number paper consumption of Walter to paper consumption of all people in the United States per year, it is very Is Walte r Going Green? Wall-Mart's steps to saving world's resources are admirable; however, the company has a long way to go proving their commitment about the environment issues to people. Some writers and Journalists consequently may think that Walter is environmentally destructive and greedy. However, â€Å"some businesses are indeed as destructive as many suspect, others are among the world's strongest positive forces for environmental sustainability' Oared 273).Therefore, what Walter have done to keep the planet healthy, lessen global warming, it is a good start for saving the world. The magnitude and cause of global climate change are huge. Only Walter cannot hanged the world. To resolve the climate change, individual has essential powerless to change the world or to make sustainable future. â€Å"None of us can change the world single-handedly' (Alex 270) and if people wants â€Å"to work at this work alone[, it] is to fail† (CTD. In â€Å"On Earth Day'). Since this truth is well known, why Walter is still working with smart packaging project.The reasons that Walter's chief executives raise their global warming concerns are saving their money, avoiding environmental disasters and reducing criticism from employees, consumers and government Oared 273). In this case, it may be called win-win situation. Not only Walter can save their costs, but also world can lose lesser natural resources. Moreover, â€Å"[w]e have to balance the environmental against the economy Oared 274). Even Walter get high sales, but the number of profits that it get lesser than the amount of money that it will be used to try to fix the environmental problem.According to John Holders, the top White House science advisor, stated that â€Å"solving problems of climate change would cost the United States 2 percent of our gross domestic product by the year 2050, but that not solving those problems would damage the economy by 20 percent o 30 percent of G. D. P† (CTD. In â€Å"W ill Big Business Save the Earth†). However, if Walter really want to reduce paper consumption permanently, a key challenge to long-term sustainability is less consumption. These days, people do not buy only what they want, they buy too much products.Companies offer promotion to attract customers to buy more. Conclusion Carbon dioxide emitted to atmosphere and makes the world hotter. Deforestation causes carbon emission, which can trap heat and raise global average temperature by 2-3 Celsius within next 50 years, without resolving this environmental issue. The rise in temperature impacts such as poor agriculture, food production and water resources, which cause people living. Tree plays an important role to capture CO. Using more paper, tree is more being cut. Several large firms are trying to help this environmental issue, global warming.People turn in to buy green product with believe that buying green products can lessen the global warming or climate change. However, Some bu siness are trying to take this advantage, by producing fake green product or slogan with Just attractive customers to buy, but not alleviate global warming issue. Walter, in this case, has several programs to help, but important one is smart packaging, which reduce paper consumption. The amount of paper usage is not low significant but this is a good start for one company to lessen global promotion to attractive customers buy more than they need.Since the root of the problems of climate change is over purchasing and needing more convenient life. Therefore, if Walter really wants to make the better world and away from people's criticism, it should sell their product less. Work Cited Bordello, Bianca. â€Å"Trees Improve Our Air Quality. † Web log post. Trees Improve Our Air Quality. The Dillydally Family Foundation and the Mississippi Forestry Commission, n. D. Web. 01 Deck. 2013. Club, Oliver E. â€Å"Climate Help from the Plant World. † Global Warming Solutions: A Con cerned Citizen's Guide to Climate Protection. United States: O.This website provides information about how Wall-Mart responsible for environment. It claims that Wall-Mart has reduced â€Å"paper consumption by 692 tons, the environmental equivalent of more than 2,500 trees† by improving footwear packaging. We can use this data and calculate at ‘paper calculator' from Environmental Paper Network website to see how this amount of paper usage will impact to wood use and greenhouse gas. Jarred, Diamond. Will Big Business Save the Earth?. Envision in Depth: Reading, Writing, and Researching Arguments. Second deed. Boston: Pearson/Longing, 2011. 272-75. Print.This article discusses about environment concerns by big corporate such as Wall-Mart. The company maintains sustainable resource levels. This is an elemental to my research because I would like to prove that paper consumption cause climate change. Realization about concern by corporation is a basis of decline in paper co nsumption. This article provides an example about how Wall-Mart is trying to save cost and save environment. The author states that â€Å"Wall-Mart stores eventual AOL is to end up with no packaging waste†, showing that Wall-Mart and its client are trying to reduce paper consumption with their packaging. 013.. This publication is very fundamental to my research. It provides the truth about Walter from 2005-2010. The author does not believe that what Walter is trying to do to help the world or make the better world, cannot really help. That is just Walter want to increase its profit. This article is for general people or blob reader, who are also doubt in Walter mislead customer their making profit. Palmer, Charles, and Stefan Engel. Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change. New York: Rutledge, 2009. Print.This academic is very useful for my research because it provides that deforestation and forest degradation have been defined as environmental key probl ems. It claims that deforestation causes carbon emission, which trap heat and raise global average temperature by 2-3 Celsius within next 50 years. The rise in temperature impacts such as poor agriculture, food production and water resources, which cause people living. Participant, Frank T. â€Å"Introduction. † Global Climate Change: The Technology Challenge. Volt. 38. Torched: Springer, 2011. 2. Print. This academic is very helpful. It gives several examples of Climate change.This chapter aims to provide a succinct integration of the projected warming the earth is likely to experience in the decades ahead. It also provides the sustainability challenge for resolve climate change. This academic is for higher education students who really want to study about solution for climate change. Easiness, Ron. â€Å"Perfect Score: Walter's Packaging Scorecard. † Web log post. Packaging Gateway. Cable, 12 Novo. 2012. Web. 01 Deck. 2013. This article is written by senior consumpti on by improving footwear packaging. Walter redesign from toys and footwear to cooking products.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Global Marketing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Global Marketing Assignment - Essay Example Macro environment is the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment- demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. The SLEPT Analysis is a useful starting point for the analysis of an organizations external environment and the forces at which it works like Hennes & Mauritz. The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieve the objective of an organization. H&M faces challenges in Japanese market in selling goods. H & M has collaborated with Madonna 3 for their promotion, which is a good decision, and for being a famous singer in all over the world as well as Japan and a symbol of fashion and style; Hennes would gain vast and successful market in Japan. H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB is a Swedish clothing company with outlets in different market of Europe and the U.S. The principal activity of this company is retailing of fashion clothing. The products of the Group are sold through a chain of stores, by mail order and through the Internet. They offer their products in different concepts for women, men, teenagers and children. They also retail sportswear, accessories and cosmetics. The product range includes body and care and hair care products and make-up accessories for men, women and teenagers. This Group has 22 production offices in Europe, Asia, and in Africa 4. Hennes & Mauritz targets the Hip & Modish. They design cheap but chic clothing, mainly for men and women 18 to 45, children's apparel, and its own brands of cosmetics. It operates more than 1,200 stores in 24 countries with direct sales operations in selected areas. Stefan Persson, the billionaire son of founder Erling Persson is the Chairman of 'H&M'. The family has a good controlled over the company and they own nearly 37% 5. 1-2: Problem Statement: 1. In regards to Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), we have to undertake a critical assessment of the Global Marketing and organisational procedures adopted by the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Air pollution in Al Ain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Air pollution in Al Ain - Essay Example The most recent secondary data indicates that air pollution in Al Ain is the leading at 66.67% followed by drinking water pollution at 25%. This has to be established and a way to reduce such extraneous impacts be suggested. Air is an important resources God given free and human beings would only do well by protecting it and its use for the future generation (Book, 2009). This forms my basis of the research I intend to conduct in Al Ain. Al Ain is a city within the United Arab Emirates and this is the region that I intend to conduct my research. My respondents in this research will be the general population within Al Ain. I intend to sample a considerable number across all the gender and ages within the region (Lomborg, 2001). I believe that this region and the selected participants will help in establishing the exact impact of air pollution in this area (Book, 2009). In addition, it is highly anticipated that from the analysis of the data provided by these participants a clear way f orward will be established on how to handle the menace. This will be within Al Ain as well as the other regions of the UAE affected by pollution due to industrialization and human activity (Currie & Neidell, 2004). Through secondary research, I have found the following information to be of much importance in formulating my research. First, Air pollution is a big part of pollution affecting major cities in the world apart from just Al Ain. Such a form of pollution is composed of a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. We also have car emissions, chemicals from factories and pollen as other causative agents of air pollution (Apling, 2000). Secondly, air pollution is irrespective of whether it is indoors or outdoors exposes individuals in millions throughout the world to huge health risks (Sastry, 2000). As a result, such individuals have recorded acute conditions of asthma, emphysema, lethal heart diseases, and other numerous conditions (Lomborg, 2001). In Al Ain alone, mil lions get infected everyday due to the bad air condition in which they are exposed. Next, humanity is not protected well by the laws formulated to handle air pollution menace. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency set in 1979 has done little and this necessitates for major changes and restructuring to be done to enable the rules and guidance on air pollution to be effective (Sales & Folkman, 2000). Research has it that the most polluted countries are the developed due to industrialization. This leaves the developing countries, which are at times even more industrialized and hence air pollutants unmonitored. Consequently, such countries proceed with the evil act leading to the deterioration of the atmospheres and the air that we breathe (Apling, 2000). Al Ain id not quite a big city in terms of geographical size while it is quite intense in terms of industrial activity most so in the construction sector. As a result, the city has high impacts on air pollution from the chem icals produced by such industries to the immense dust due to the nature of production rampant within the region (Miller, 2007). Governments have tried and taken initiatives to limit emissions into the air such as carbon dioxide and any other greenhouse gases (Simioni, 2004). For example, through the Kyoto protocol and putting of taxes on carbon emissions and other causative agents like gas. On the contrary, this is not enough hence the need for a collective activity to curb the menace (Browning, 2010). In conclusion, all parties and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Transportation Providers APL; OHL; COSCO Essay

Global Transportation Providers APL; OHL; COSCO - Essay Example OHL OHL is one of the largest third party logistic services providers in the world. It provides supply chain management services to top organizations of the world. Its services include transportation, custom brokerage, warehousing etc. Its tracking system is one of the most sophisticated in the world. Its shipment tracking system is based on GPS and EDI shipment tracking system and offer real time tracking system. OHL also does not provide facility to track the shipments online from any web browser whereas APL provides such facility. COSCO COSCO is relatively young company with over 25 years of experience in the industry. It uses an innovative and new technology to track its shipments. It serves mostly Asian markets including Japan, rest of Asia, North America and Europe. It manages IRIS-2 system which helps to manage its shipment tracking. It is considered as one of the most sophisticated systems in the industry. Advantages & Disadvantages One of the most important advantages of shipment tracking system for any transportation firm is the fact that it provides the company necessary flexibility as well as depth and breadth to mange cargos on large scales. Though most of the systems used by modern shipping companies are technology based therefore they enjoy the necessary advantages due to their technological superiority. As for as the system of APL is concerned, it is considered as one of the highly sophisticated and state of art system. In its essence, this is wireless system based on RFID. APL attaches RFID tags to most of its shipments to track their shipments. (Cox, 2006). However, the real draw back of this system is the fact the tags need to past certain posts in order to located therefore if a new container replaces another one the it may take a bit longer for the system to accurately give the real time location of the shipments based on their time. It is also important to understand that APL is also using WAVES which is based on a very complex technology which provides a much greater advantage over its competitors because it is not used by any other transportation firms in the world. This propriety use of a very complex and sophisticated system provide necessary competitive advantage. The shipment tracking system of OHL is a bit old and is considered as less sophisticated than APL. Based on GPS and EDI, this system is bit slower especially in terms of downloading the data from the real time location to the servers of the firm therefore accurate tracking takes slightly higher than other systems such as with APL. COSCO's system is supported by Sybase Inc. Sybase is one of the highly regarded company in terms of producing robust and sophisticated systems. COSCO adapted "Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise, Replication Server, Open Client and jConnect in its IRIS-2 System for data collection, storage, conversion, processing and analysis" (Connolly, 2008). The system employed by COSCON is much more sophisticated than the systems at APL and OHL. It not only provides a much more comprehensive tracking of the shipments but also enable COSCON to analyze the data on real time basis. However, it is also importan

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fact Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Fact Paper - Essay Example Research outcomes show that more than â€Å"two thirds of children aged 8 year† use computers daily (Lucile Packard Foundation, 2000). This is because of the current high accessibility of computers. Its continued usage by children negatively affects their health. Studies show a positive correlation between obesity and the usage of computers. A study conducted in Australia revealed that children who spend more time on computers have a 2.5 percent chance of becoming obese (Subrahmanyam, Kraut, Greenfield et al, 2000). The rate of obesity among children is increasing in the US. One of the factors that contribute to the high rate includes the high usage of computers among other causes. Spending more time on computers implies that children are spending less time in physical activities. Physical activities are important because they help children to burn excess calories. Engaging in less physical activities leads to accumulation of fats and calories in children’s bodies which in turn leads to obesity. Obese children have higher chances of developing other health complications even in their adulthood. For instance, medical experts claim that children with obesity are at a higher risk of getting cardiovascular diseases and being diabetic in their adulthood. Apart from obesity spending more time online can damage the children’s eyes. It also makes them to strain their necks and shoulders. Since children are still developing, some of the effects can lead to long-term health issues. Moreover, technology addiction makes some children to have sleeping disorders. This especially occurs if children have computers in their rooms. Some children prefer shortening their sleeping hours in order to play games or chat with their friends online. If this takes place for a longer period, it disrupts children’s sleeping patterns that may in turn cause sleeping disorders such as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal development through reflective practice Essay

Personal development through reflective practice - Essay Example ts on a monthly basis with all of the heads of service within the council Senior Management Group to make sure that all of the senior managers within the council have a regular opportunity to keep up to date with the latest changes and/or issues which are taking shape. Their stipulated task and the agenda is to Provide strategic advice to the council, ensuring that the policy objectives of the council are incorporated within the work programmers of services; Lead and/or manage the development of major strategies; Provide information and support to councilors, managers and staff; Manage the performance of the directors and heads of service to enable services to implement the councils policies efficiently and effectively; Oversee the development of working relationships between councilors and staff; Ensure the health of the organization (values, culture, expectations and structures);Provide the lead on corporate and inter-agency initiatives to achieve an integrated approach for issues which fall outside of traditional service delivery mechanisms; Co-ordinate the councils work with partner organizations and to establish working relationships with their representatives; Represent the council in local, regional and national debates and Deal with the re solution of conflict. The primary agenda of the counsel is to ensue that the children are developed to their full potential and are brought in a stable, safe and a secure environment. The real deal lies in improving upon their educational attainment and to help even the most vulnerable children and young people to groom them and become better individuals in the long run. Would be to Enabling all children and young people to fulfil their potential, Promoting their safety, care and stability, improving their educational attainment and to enable the most vulnerable children and young people in the Council to develop to their full potential The real strength of the department lies in the wide pool of staff knowledge

Monday, September 23, 2019

NFL Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

NFL Public Relations - Essay Example The game is also dominant in America because fans love the game, not only their teams. It is a social game that is practiced since childhood and the love develops henceforth. The game has also been promoted to dominance by the NFL community which is united in promoting the game. Henceforth NFL has recognized the effort of players, former players, coaches and the management as ambassadors of the game. NFL has also made efforts to market the game outside America which has helped it earn more fans in America and in the whole world. The success of the game since the 1980s has been attributed to good management that has enabled to market it among its fans through improved public relations. One of the men who have been accredited with improving the public relations of the game has been Rogers Goodell. Roger S. Goodell was born on February 19, 1959 in Jamestown, New York. He is the son of the late US senator Charles E. Goodell who was a republican form New York. The Goodell family moved to New York in 1971. He was a sport star while in Bronxville High School and played football, basketball, and baseball. He was captain of the three teams and was declared an athlete of the year while in Bronxville School. From high school, he joined Washington Jefferson College in Pennsylvania, Washington and graduated with a degree in Economics in 1981. In 1982, Goodell began his career in NF... He rose in ranks quickly and in 1987, he was appointed assistant president of the American Football Conference who was then Lamar Hunt. He worked under the commission Paul Taglibue executing various football and business roles. He was later appointed the executive Vice President of the NFL and in 2001 appointed the Chief Operating Officer. Goodell was chosen on August 8 2006 to succeed Paul Tagliabue who had served the league for a long time and Goodell assumed office on September 1 2006. Tagliabue is attributed to having led the league well and it was during his tenure that revenues skyrocketed for the 17 years he was at the helm of the office. It is estimated that the league will collect about $10 billion mainly on TV rights for the next 6 years under the leadership of Goodell and the base laid by Taglibue. Goodell had a lot of effects on NFL during his tenure as a commissioner. According to Broncos (2006), he led the 1994 initiative for rules, created senor football operations, introduced the instant replay system and restructured the officiating department. He is attributed to having improved the league image especially on public relation. He is attributed of having instilled discipline in the league. In April 2007, he announced a person Conduct Policy and consequently a number of players were suspended for having broken the Personal Conduct Policy. According to Williamson (2007), among the victims of the policy initially were Tennessee Tiatnce Pacman Jones and Cincinnati Bangals Chris Henry. By August 2007, Goodell had suspended four players on matter of their conduct both in field and off-field. In his tenure as a commissioner, he also addressed the drug problem. The use of drug in the league had

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Persecution of Jews between the years 1933-39 Essay Example for Free

Persecution of Jews between the years 1933-39 Essay By what stages and why did the Nazi Regime increase its persecution of Jews between the years 1933-39. Jewish people had been a traditional enemy for several hundred years before Hitler came to power and he made it quite clear in his book, Mein Kampf, that he hated Jewish people. It should be no surprise that even before he rose to power he had already took steps to increase persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany in 1933-39. Before any of the momentous stages began, Hitler had displayed plenty of propaganda to advocate Nazi opinions of Jews, he realised that it wouldnt be a good idea to persecute Jews to the highest level to begin with as he needed to be established as a great leader. Had he have began his stages with an event such as Kristallnacht the German people may not have accepted him as well as they did. Hitler began his stages with unorganised persecution, in 1933 he organised the April Boycotts which involved the boycotting of Jewish businesses, encouraging Aryan Germans to stay away from Jewish owned stores. The members of the Nazi party were eager to begin anti-Jewish measures so Hitler didnt want to carry on denying them this. This stage kept the members happy for a short while and was also backed by churches; increasing its influential value. However the April Boycotts had to be kept fairly low key as Hitler did not want the public to resent him had they thought his measures were too much too soon; his suspicions were in fact correct, Hitler realised he didnt have the public support he needed as despite the Boycotts the public seemed apathetic, they carried on shopping in Jewish stores; ignoring Hitlers warning. Another factor controlling the force of the persecution was the fact that Hindenburg was still supreme to Hitler, he had already brought in the Hindenburg clause (whereby Jewish world war one veterans were exempt from the rule that Jews must be fired from certain professions) which hindered Hitlers chance at early success. Hitlers first attempt at unorganised persecution was supposed to last indefinitely, but in fact it only lasted a day. The Nazi regimes next step in 1935 marked a new phase in their bid to increase the persecution of Jews. Following Hindenburgs death in 1934, Hitler introduced The Nuremburg Laws in August 1935 which basically stripped the Jews of their civil rights. Hitler had realised that the intense propaganda had succeeded in winning the public over and therefore decided to take his persecution to the next stage. He completely disregarded the Hindenburg clause and referred to the Jews not as citizens but as subjects of Germany. This step was to separate the Jews from the rest of the Germany nationality and could be seen as a result of the lack of progress made in the Nazis attempt to get Jews out of the country, statistics of Jews emigrating fell from 37000 to 23000 in 1934. However, in light of the Berlin summer Olympics in 1936, Hitler toned down the propaganda aimed at the persecution of Jews as he wanted tourists to see Germany as a pure country, free of people he though inferior such as Jews. The Nuremburg laws seemed to be as a result of Hitler feeling that he needed to start taking action that is easily recognisable as persecution; this however was nothing in comparison to his next step. On November 9th 1938, following the assassination of a German official in Paris by a young Jewish boy, the Nazis embarked on an orgy of violence, destroying Jewish Property in predominantly Jewish towns in Germany. This seemed the final straw for Hitler, before this he had not let member of the Nazi party display this type of organised persecution. The SS officers conducting the attacks broke the law, but Hitler let this go ahead as there was no popular outcry for it to stop, most resistance was very passive, probably Jew to the Nazi fear factor; no-one dear stand up to them. The intensity of Nazi officials complaining about a lack of action against the Jews encouraged this new wave of intimidation. To add insult to injury, the Jews were fined for the damage done to their towns and property; 1,000,000,000RM in total. 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to work camps, Kristallnacht is thought to mark the beginning of the Holocaust. Hitlers 4th and final stage was to eliminate Jews; they were not emigrating anymore (as much as they wanted to) simply because other countries could not take them. The measures taken previous to this stage were not enough to get rid of the Jews so Hitler decided to cram the Jews into small ghettos, so he could take complete control of them ready for when they were shipped off in freight trains to concentration camps. Hitler named this the final solution of the Jewish question this stage seemed ooze a sense of desperation, nothing Hitler had done before had deterred the Jews enough for them to flee wherever they could. Once in concentration camps, had they not died of diseases such as Typhus, the Jews were systematically gassed in chambers, sometimes up to 2000 at a time. The name final solution suggests that this really was the last straw for Hitler, he felt there was no other way to rid Germany of the Jews as although the first camp opened in 1933 (Dachau) they werent widely used until 1939, these camps could be seen as a precautionary measure. It is evident that Hitler had many ideas as to how to persecute Jews; he started with quite mild measures and gradually escalated things as a result of unresponsive behaviour from Jews. The pressure he was under from other Nazi party members in the early stages probably pushed him to cross the line into breaking the law to persecute Jews. The latter stages of these measures may not have happened had the Jews emigrated when they were encouraged to.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Benefits of Outsourcing Essay Example for Free

Benefits of Outsourcing Essay There are a number of outsourcing benefits that have been recognized by the researchers and they are as many as thirty two advantages of outsourcing. The following will describe the various benefits that will be provided to the university if it plans to outsource the activities in the future. The first kind of advantage that is received by outsourcing is that the overall costs of those functions are reduced and there are no more overhead costs for the university. This means that the company would try to reduce its overhead costs by simply passing on the costs to the outsourced company so that it would be at an advantage. The second advantage is that of off-loading non core functions. As has been mentioned before in the paper, when a university would outsource, it would make sure that it out sources the non core functions so that it can concentrate more on the core activities that it is supposed to perform. This in turn would allow the university to become more competent in its field and allow the university to concentrate more on the work that it is good at. This is the main purpose of outsourcing to a company. Another advantage from outsourcing is that the personnel would now be shifted to the core activities. This means that the company would now take upon the non core activities and leave the university with the benefit of shifting its employees to the core activities of teaching and research where the employees can work with one another to explore new areas that have not yet been researched by people and many other ways. The employees would now be able to concentrate more on the core activities and give their full attention in stead of being worried about the daily chores that were to be completed on time in order to move ahead with their work later on. This was a hassle and a barrier for the employees to move ahead in life and bring new changes in the university. Once the employees are able to achieve the sense of not having to complete the daily chores because they are being handled by someone else, they can concentrate on their skills and how they will be used more accurately and in the right way in order to help the employees an the university to move ahead and face the competition that they have from various other universities as well as the online services that are provided by them. There are a few more advantages that are listed below such as: 1. â€Å"Get access to specialized skills 2. Reduce need for internal commitment of specialists 3. Save on manpower and training costs 4. Control operating costs 5. Improve efficiencies through economies of scale 6. Improve speed and service 7. Level out cyclical or seasonal fluctuations 8. Eliminate peak staffing problems† (Tips and Trivia, 2005 ) Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that the university can think of outsourcing its operations to other companies that can handle the work so that there is no disruption for the university to do its work on time. The university will now be able to face the fierce competition that is there in the filed of education.