Monday, December 23, 2019

The Impact Of Social Networking On The Privacy Of An...

Communication and technology has turned a new leaf in the chapter of the age of globalization, where the entire world has been turned into a small village. Today, one can sit in one corner of the world and access information with the minutest of details, through the click of a button. For many, whether teenagers, young adults or even mature middle aged professionals, the internet is a second being, sometimes an extension of one’s own self. This has been facilitated by the emergence of social networking – a tool to socialize with friends and make new friends through a virtual medium and also a platform to express one’s views. Observers, thinkers and even psychologists have been debating the good and the bad of the phenomenon of the internet and the effects of social networking that has brought upon ‘a digital era’ and have presented several arguments to highlight their views. Zizi Papacharissi (2010) questions the impact of social networking on the privacy of an individual and presents a picture where she explores how social networking has penetrated into the privacy of a person in her article, Privacy as a Luxury Commodity. This assignment attempts to go deep into the aspects of social networking that can interfere into the privacy of an individual. Privacy compromised for sociality One may choose to be a part of the social networking wave in this ‘digital era’ or may chose to distance themselves from this phenomenon, but there is no denying the impact of socialShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Security And Privacy In Social Network Users1023 Words   |  5 Pages The Issue of Security and Privacy in Social Network Users Purpose statement The purpose of the study is to examine the issues related to using of social network users and the applications that offered by the third-party websites and impact of the security and privacy. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Blue Ocean Strategy Free Essays

string(96) " political hurdles in spite of emitted time and resources† \(Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014\)\." In the past ten weeks, this class has tested me by having to read challenging articles that presented several different strategic theories to us. While all of the theories brought us interesting and valuable information, the one that resonated most with me and stuck out the most was the Blue Ocean Strategy. I have always been someone who enjoys a challenge and I feel that while this theory is a challenge, it has the most potential to bring organizations the greatest amount of success. We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Ocean Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now To fully understand why I selected this theory opposed to one of the other ones, I feel that first I need to explain exactly what Blue Ocean Strategy is and who has used it and gained enormous amounts of success. While there are many people who believe taking down the competition is the best plan for their company and will result in huge success, Blue Ocean Strategy does not even factor it into their decision making process as a way to reach success. To discuss Blue Ocean Strategy, we also have to understand Red Ocean Strategy. Red oceans are all other strategies that are currently trying to out-compete one another in hopes of being the one on top. The first thing that comes to mind when I think off taxation such as this is the results of Apple first launching the pod. All a sudden a portable music player like this was what everyone wanted, so other companies started doing the same thing and came out with comparable products such as the Zone. Sadly, no one has been able to reach the success that Apple has when it comes to portable music devices. As you can see from the chart, Microsoft, the creator of Zone, tried to reach success by hitting all five points that were mentioned on the left side of the chart. However, they were unable to do so because they underestimated the demand that the pod was producing. Microsoft as well as other companies tried to compete, but could not maintain as high of a demand as the pod and eventually the market became too crowded and the products eventually became undervalued and over produced. When the creators came out with Zone it sounds like a Hyperventilation strategy was being used. Hyperventilation is defined as rapid and dynamic completion that is escalated on price-quality positioning (Divine, 1998). While a Zone is very similar to an pod, what the creators thought would make them out-sell the pod was that the Zone cost half of what the pod was. While often times cost is a huge consideration when buying a product or service in this case people were willing to pay the extra money and choose the company that used the Blue Ocean Strategy. Potential Risk: Now take a complete 180-degree turn and you have Blue Ocean Strategy. With this strategy, demand is created rather than fought over. By doing this, there is more room for growth that can be quickly profitable. At first when I read the article, I thought to myself that this seemed too risky and why would a company bother using this strategy; after doing a lot of different research on the topic, I have come to the inclusion that there is a minimal amount of risk. I think it is important to realize that with any strategy there is a certain amount of risk, no matter what choice you decided to make. For Blue Ocean Strategy, there are currently six key risks that a company could face (Kim Maneuvering, 2004). Of these six risks, the first four revolve around the creation of the strategy itself and the final two relate to the actual execution of the strategy. Search risk Planning risk Scope risk Business model risk Organizational risk Management risk However, there are six principals represented in Blue Ocean Strategy that are signaled to protect an organization from that risk (Kim Maneuvering, 2004): Reconstruct market boundaries Focus on the big picture, not the numbers Reach beyond existing demands Get the strategic sequence right Overcome key organizational hurtles Build execution into strategy The first principal identifies the direction by which managers can methodically create conclusive market space across diverse industry domains and crippling search risk. It teaches companies how to make the competition irrelevant by looking across the six conventional boundaries of competition to open up commercially important blue oceans† (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). The second principal has to do with looking at the big picture and not focusing on Just what the numbers would be, it deals with planning risk. By looking at the big pictur e first and foremost I believe this is why, when using this strategy, there is such long-term success that comes with it. Using a visualizing approach that drives managers to focus on the big picture, this principle proposes a four-step planning process for strategies that create and capture blue ocean opportunities† (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). To reach beyond existing demands hose using the Blue Ocean Strategy must challenge the traditional process of aiming for finer segmentation in order to meet existing customer preferences. Instead, this principle, which addresses scale risk, states the importance of aggregating demand, not by focusing on the differences that separate customer but rather by building on the powerful commonalities across uncustomary† (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). In order to accomplish correct strategic sequence companies must ensure that their business model will be able to produce and maintain profitable growth. This sequence consists of the followi ng: (1) utility, (2) price, (3) cost, and (4) adoption requirements (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). When a company follows this sequence, it addresses the business model risk. The fifth principal is all about overcoming the hurdles that come your way. This is the first principal in the execution portion of the strategy and therefore in this principal the organizational risk is heavily considered. â€Å"This principle mitigates organizational risk, outlining how leaders and manager can surmount the cognitive, resource, motivational, and political hurdles in spite of emitted time and resources† (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). You read "Blue Ocean Strategy" in category "Papers" Last, but certainly not least, is building execution into the strategy and this is defined as having the ability to encourage others to execute the strategy in the best way they know how. This principle addresses the management risk associated with people’s attitudes and behaviors. â€Å"By integrating execution into strategy formula, people are motivated to act† (Blue Ocean Strategy, 2014). While there is still a certain amount of potential risk involved in this strategy, you can see that there are several different principals that were created to eliminate said risk. Cost and Value: A lot of traditional strategies state that you much choose if you want to be known for cost or for value. However, when deciding to use Blue Ocean Strategy, it is possible to have both differentiation and low cost. If you look to the chart to the right you can see that Blue Ocean Strategy has figured out that the key to value innovation is equal parts cost and buyer value. While the chart makes it look simple, in order for this to happen, utility, price, and cost all need to be aligned. By driving both the cost down and the value, the product has the potential to meet so many more people. A really good example of this balance is the Ford Model T. In 1908, Henry Ford was a person with vision who created a company and a product that was not in the market. He made it price friendly so that people could actually afford it and it would fall under the category of value pioneering. When the Model T first came out in 1908, it cost $ 850. 00, which was half the price of anything else out there at the time (Kim Maneuvering, 2004). The key to success in this example was not using the competition as a benchmark. While Henry Ford could have followed everyone else and created a actionable and customizable car, he knew that it was not what the market needed; they needed affordability and reliability. Long Term Viability: When a company or organization is in the process of selecting a strategy to use, they want something that will not only last a long time, but also help them build a brand. There have been several companies that have used Blue Ocean Strategy and have had decades of brand equity (Kim Maneuvering, 2004). Companies will be happy with the results that many have and are expected to continue to use Blue Ocean Strategy multiple times. Blue Ocean vs.. Strategic Supremacy through Disruption and Dominance: Almost the opposite of Blue Oceans is the theory of strategic supremacy, which has been influenced by hyperventilation and understanding the relationships in this theory. By understanding the interaction between strategy and environment, managers can better tailor their strategies to the environment or change the environment to their advantage. This begins with analyzing the current competitive environment (opposite of Blue Oceans) then understanding the rules of the game in that industry. Simply put, the leaders in the industry control the â€Å"rules of the game†, if they do something, he smaller brands will follow to compete. Having the ability to control the rules of the game and controlling the evolution of the market and its competition is part of strategic supremacy. Sometimes old leaders in an industry do not want to change and this gives new entrants an opportunity to sneak in and disrupt the rules of the game and use it to their advantage. Overall, this strategy is all about controlling your market at large and if you do not have the caliber to do this, then you find a niche market to focus on. When competitors disrupt the â€Å"rules of the game† then it comes a competitive battle. When this happens, it eventually turns into a Red Ocean. Leaders often are in their position because they have battled with lowering prices and are able to compete with lower margins. If a leading competitor was disrupted by a new entrant with lower prices it would change the game and they would be forced to lower their prices or create a new strategic approach to beating the new threat. In this business strategy, I think it leads to saturation in the market where there really isn’t a new value for the customer; they Just battle over perceived values, marketing and price wars. If you are someone who is going to enter into a particular market strong, would you rather go into a bloody war with dominant leaders and try to find a way to sneak past them and out into the market with the threat of them copying you and crushing you because they have deeper pockets and more control or avoid this fight and go where nobody else has gone? I think that many existing firms find themselves battling for strategic supremacy and if you are a new business, you should let them fight and enter the market through a Blue Ocean Strategy instead, but you are also never too old to use your brand equity and create a ewe space. Blue Ocean Strategies vs.. Coping with Hyperventilation: Companies regularly struggle to sustain their competitive advantages and the reality is that no advantage is sustainable. Technological wonders can happen overnight, aggressive competitors enter the market, organizations are restricted, new laws change the field, markets and trends appear and fade away. In a hypersensitive environment companies must disrupt the advantages of their competitors. To fight back with this, managers must apply the g’s according to this theory to analyze industries and competitions strengths and weaknesses. Huge companies that were once thought to be untouchable have been brought to their knees, such as IBM GM. Having economies of scale, large advertising power, deep pockets and all the other things that give them buyer and supplier power is no longer enough. â€Å"Leadership in price and quality is also not enough to assure success. Being first is not always the same as being best. Entry barriers are trampled down or circumvented. Goliath are brought down by clever Davis with slingshots. Welcome to the world of hyperventilation† (Divine, 1995). According to Divine, companies cake progress in hyperventilation by actively disrupting advantages to others in order to adapt the market to themselves; this is done by applying the g’s framework. The new g’s framework is: Superior stakeholder satisfaction, strategic soothsaying, positioning for speed, positioning for surprise, shifting the rules of the game, signaling strategic intent and simultaneous and sequential strategic thrusts. Before going further in depth with applying these g’s, this would seem like a very bloodthirsty strategy to destroy your opponents. When you strike first, you better be ready to take a hit or keep swinging. I am not saying that this is not the way to compete, but I am saying that it is not the best way to be in business or enter. Hyperventilation is a Red Ocean Strategy and all of these battle tactics do not have to be your fundamental strategy in a Blue Ocean. Moving on, these g’s are only based on a strategy of finding and building temporary advantages in the market. These advantages are from market disruption and not sustaining advantages because of the reasons mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph. Looking at the chart below, you can see the qualities of competition in different levels of competition. The g’s are about paying in the 4th category whereas Blue Ocean Strategy is about figuring out a way to compete in the first or second category. Even if you are a company who is part of hyperventilation it does not mean you have to play a part of the price war, you can use your branding and find a way into an area of more moderate competition. Blue Ocean vs.. The Core Competence of the Corporation Another theory of competitive advantage is in the knowledge and diversity of core competencies. Focusing on your core competencies creates unique, integrated systems that reinforce your business model. Once you clarify your competencies, then you will know how to support them, increasing your competitive advantage and reducing the ability of a competitor copying you. The theory states that once you establish your competencies you must enhance them by investing in needed technologies and creating strategic alliances. This theory seems to be not as brutally competitive as some of the other theories. It is difficult to argue because identifying your company’s core competencies is indeed very important for strategic decisions and success. The reason I believe Blue Ocean Strategy is still a stronger strategy is imply because I do not believe that understanding your core competencies alone will be a sustainable enough advantage. There will still be competitors who change the game, new technologies and entrants that will emerge and I do not think that focus on your competencies are enough in a highly competitive market. In a Blue Ocean Strategy you do not need to worry about the competition as much. This theory points out that your competition may not be able to copy you as easily but that does not mean that they wont be able to take more of the marketplace. For these reasons, I think blue ocean is still the smartest strategy. Blue Ocean vs.. Resource Based View of the Firm The resource based view of the firm (RUB) is a basis for the competitive advantage of a firm that is based on application of their tangible and intangible resources. By doing this a business can transform their short-run competitive advantage into a more sustained competitive advantage. The basic idea is that you first identify potential key resources within your organization. Next, evaluate if the resources are valuable, rare, in-imitable, non-substitutable and other criteria. By protecting and sustaining these resources you can achieve greater organizational success. Similarly to understanding the core competencies of your business, this business strategy is also difficult to argue. A business should evaluate their resources and these resources may very well be their core competencies especially if they are rare, inimitable and non-substitutable. I believe that simply having a resource based view does not protect you from changes in the market, always or guarantee long-term sustainability or competitive advantage. As mentioned before, technology advances happen overnight and these types of changes can make resources obsolete. Example of Successful Blue Ocean Strategy – Apple: Sometimes the only way to fully understand something is by looking at examples to get a better idea. In my opinion, the most successful company using a Blue Ocean Strategy has been Apple. A game changer for Apple was when they launched what we know of today as tunes. In 2003, they launched tunes, which to this day has changed the way people buy and enjoy music (Blue Ocean strategy, 2014). They saw a need in the market for digital music that was not illegally downloaded and were able to fill the need by providing clear music that was priced reasonably. One of the biggest perks of this is because there are a lot of people that only want one or two songs and no longer need to purchase the entire CD. They have been able to maintain their success by launching a program that was easy for users to use and provide great customer service; it was very difficult for others to even try to replicate. Apple did not want to stop there and saw another chance to move a new idea into the market when they came out with the pad. Apple was getting people to move away from laptops and cheap notebooks and offered customers an entirely new experience. With billions of dollars of success, we have to wonder what they know that others cannot seem to figure out. I feel the biggest reason why this is happening is because they are focusing on the end user. Apple continues to create projects that are solely customer driven. Also, they do an excellent Job highlighting their assets. For example, do you ever wonder why people get so excited when a new model of their device comes out? It is because Apple markets the parts that others want. I once watched a documentary that claimed when the pad 2 came out, it was almost exactly he same with the exception of the size and weight. This attracted business because the pad is portable and can travel anywhere. A theory that shares similar characteristics to Blue Ocean Strategy is Core Competency by C. K. Parallax and Gary Hammer; the products and services that are produced with this theory is hard to replicate (Hammer Parallax, 1990). However, Blue Ocean Strategy stands out since they created a market of their own and they have a much greater chance of focusing on things like pricing. It is something that no one has ever seen before so it gets a lot of attention right off the back. Example of Successful Blue Ocean Strategy – WI: Another company who has displayed success as a result of Blue Ocean Strategy is Microsoft when they created the WI. Video games are a billion dollar industry and companies continue to try and top their competitors with what they can provide consumers. Instead of fighting this trend, Microsoft decided to ignore the standard features that most video game consoles offer, such as built in DVD players and low processor speed; and in its place offer us something that no one had ever imagined: a censored video game that requires the movement of the player (Stewarded, 2007). In the article, Nineteen’s Blue Ocean Strategy: WI, the author writes, â€Å"In Kim Embrasure’s terms, this means that while Microsoft’s Oxbow and Sonny’s ASS are fighting each other fiercely in a red ocean (I. E. The existing market), Nineteen’s WI is calmly sailing in the blue ocean it created for itself (I. E. A new market)† (Stewarded, 2007). This was an extremely successful strategy, to put WI into the market because not only did it attract video game users but also brought in a whole other market. When it first came out, I was surprised and shocked to see the gaming system in my grandfather’s nursing home. I soon learned that not only were the gaming systems being placed in nursing homes all over the country, but they were also being placed in physical therapy and rehab centers. I believe this example especially proves that Blue Ocean Strategy is superior to Michael Porter’s Theory. If Microsoft were to follow Porter’s theory instead, they would have looked at the OXBOW or ASS gaming system and did something comparable because he believes that you should try to top the competition (Porter, 1996). This leaves very little room for creativity and the chance to create something as innovated as an interactive video games. Conclusion: â€Å"The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition†. As you can see, Blue Ocean Strategy has a lot to offer companies and organizations that wish to succeed. Out of the eight strategies that we learned about, I feel that not only is Blue Ocean Strategy most different from all the others, but also offers people the most potential. Instead of going off what is already out there or creating something that resembles something else, Blue Ocean Strategy decides to do the exact opposite and create something that is not already out there. How to cite Blue Ocean Strategy, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Managing Customer Engagement Communities †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Managing Customer Engagement Communities? Answer: Introduction The main purpose of this research is to explore the effect of brand image up on the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Brand image is one of the essential components of any company, which intends to maintain high level of reputation among target group of customers. The impression that exist in the mind of the customer is believed to be one of the essential driving factor in marketing decisions of brand choice and buying behaviour. The current research proposal will provide a plan to investigate all types of factors which decides upon the brand image of a company thereby affecting the level of customer satisfaction. Background The branding is believed to be one of the powerful tools, which is used by all categories of company to attract the target customer groups. The perceptions that exist within the mind of the customer, is highly dependent upon the strength of brand image and brand awareness. It is also relevant to mention that the brand image also plays a significant part in retaining the customers, thereby increasing the level of customer loyalty. According to Hapsari et al. (2016), brand image is believed to be one of the effective psychological factors, which influences upon the decision taken by the customers while choosing any particular product of a brand. The process of purchasing is believed to be a combination of various types of mental and physical activity that ends up with the product that every customer purchases from a particular brand. It is one of the essential areas of Investigation for all market researchers to depend upon the perception level of the customers to decide upon the marke ting strategies. In fact majority of the marketing strategy and planning are aimed to increase the level of brand image and awareness among the customers. It is relevant to mention in this context that customer satisfaction rate is one of the important parameter which decides upon the level of business success. With high level of customer satisfaction, it is possible for all types of companies to maintain high brand image and reputation. Brand management is an essential part of all types of marketing activities, which decides upon the level of customer retention capability of a company. Research Problem In the context of current days, where the customers are highly aware about the quality of product and brand reputation, it is essential for all successful companies to maintain the level of brand image in order to satisfy the needs of the customer. Brand image is also believed to be one of the essential elements of gaining competitive advantage in the Global market. The research problem in this context that are encountered by most of the business organisations is due to the fact that they are and not able to maintain high reputation of the brand due to the increase level of awareness and changes in consumer market, which are occurring at a rapid rate. Moreover the high level of challenging competition is also causing major issue in the matter of brand sustainability. Research Objectives Following are the objectives of the current research proposal To explore the factors that affect the brand image and reputation of a business organisation To explore the factors, which decides upon the level of customer satisfaction To establish a relationship between brand image and brand reputation with that of the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty Effect of brand image on brand equity According to Wirtz et al. (2013), brand equity is one of the important parameters, which decides upon the commercial value of a company that exist within the mind-set and perception of the target customer groups. The brand name or perception is believed to be the major identity that is recognised by the customer, while they are making decisions about purchasing any product. Saeed et al. (2013), have added in this context that brand equity provides a premium value all the product and services of a company, which is compared to all other product of equivalent genre. The customer perception plays the most important part in providing value to a brand and its level of equity. It is essential for the company to provide valuable knowledge to the customers about the features of the service or product that is been offered in the market. This knowledge and information that are being provided to the customer, ultimately creates a negative and positive impression. This perception is believed to be ultimately responsible for the level of brand image and awareness that exist within the target group of customer. As per the research of Zhang (2015), positive impression not only affect the process of brand choosing, it can also decide upon the level of Expenditure that a customer is willing to pay for a particular brand of product. For example, a customer may be willing to spend huge amount for a product of reputed brand compared to that of a lesser known brand. This is mainly economy they have a perception of relying upon the quality provided by the reputed brands. This perception can help to improve upon the level of trust and reliability that customers show up on any particular brand. Brand equity is also one of the important parameter as per the research of Bowen, and Chen (2015), when a company wants to expand its product line. Positive level of brand equity, which is usually gained with the help of positive brand image, can encourage the company to introduce new product and service in the market, which can easily gain popularity with the help of high level of brand reputation among target customer. Positive level of brand equity can also encourage the customer to buy the new products. According to Ene and Ozkaya (2014), brand equity can also help to measure the level of strength of the company and its existing performance level in a consumer market. The external business environment can also contribute largely in influencing the level of brand equity. Hence it can be said that brand equity is one of the essential component of a company's asset that has a strong interconnection with brand image and brand name along with the symbol, which is an essential element of brand recognition. Brand equity is therefore responsible for providing the value in the mind-set of the customers about any particular product. Deviation and changes in brand loyalty along with brand image One of the very basic elements of marketing research is about the fact that it is essential to have a positive relationship between brand image and brand usage, which is one of the oldest concept of marketing. Positive relationship has often been used by the Brands in their promotional activities, which can improve upon the existing popularity of a company among target group of customers. This positive relationship between the brand and its target audience is believed to be the essential component of brand loyalty, which is developed over the years in order to improve the level of brand awareness (Huang et al. 2014). It is often believed as per the research work of Nyadzayo and Khajehzadeh (2016), brand with greater market share is most likely to have greater level of brand image, then all the Rival business firms. Similarly it can be said that companies with lower level of market share generally is seen to have significantly low level of brand loyalty and thereby do not have the ability to retain customers. This term is referred to have double jeopardy pattern, which was also mentioned in the research paper of Zameer et al. (2015) and have focused upon its importance upon deciding upon the factors related to customers buying behaviour. This is also one of the important benchmark in understanding the irregular changes in the buying behaviour of the customer and their tendency to switch over brands of same genre. It can also help to decide upon the buying psychology of the customers, who are dependent upon less reputed brands. It is important to mention in this context that the sustainability of the brand image is also one of the essential components, which can help to decide upon the level of customer loyalty and the capability of a business organisation to retain upon its old customers. From the data which is obtained from the research work of Chao et al. (2015), it has been seen that introduction of new brands and new market entrants has significantly affected the level of brand loyalty of the customers. This is mainly due to the fact that in the current days the customers are easily attracted towards the brands, which are introducing new offers and discounts within the market. On the other hand, Saleem and Raja (2014) have argued upon this fact by mentioning that the level of customer loyalty is irrelevant the factors related to new entrants in the market mostly due to the fact that a group of customers, do not have high level of trust about the quality of the materials that are used in the product man ufacture. Nevertheless, it is one of the important areas of marketing research, which determines upon the level of brand loyalty and its relationship with brand image. It is often one of the major challenges for marketing researchers to establish a fixed theory to interrelate the matters related to brand image and brand loyalty. This is mostly due to the fact of irregular change in behaviour of the customers buying behaviour. Brand Switching and its effects The tendency of the customers to switch over various brands is one of the major factors that can help to determine the level of customer satisfaction. It is relevant to mention that one of the important causes of changing of brands for a customer is due to the fact that they are either not satisfied with the existing brand product or they are expecting better quality of product from the new brand. In both the cases, switching over of the brands by customers can great compromise upon the reputation of an organisation. This can in turn have serious effect on the brand image. It is essential for every companies to ensure that their existing customers is having high level of satisfaction, otherwise there is a chance that they might switch over to some other brands thereby compromising upon the profit margin and business reputation. Gaps in Literature In spite of the fact that wide range of research have been conducted about the factors related to relationship between customer satisfaction and brand image, existing gap is due to the fact that the current literature have not focused on the ways, which can help the companies to determine ways to retain customers and thereby maintain upon their existing reputation. Research methodology It is important for the current research investigation to follow certain methodological steps in order to execute the purpose of the study in systemic manner. The current section will highlight upon the research methods which will be used in the current investigation work. Proper justification will also be provided for each type of Research Design that will be implemented in the following case. With the help of appropriate research method it is possible to collect proper and relevant data about the research subject, which will help the researchers to draw proper conclusion. Research Design With the help of accurate Research Design it is possible to integrate different components of the investigation, thereby making an effective strategy. With the help of effective Research Design it is possible to address the research problem by properly collecting relevant information, which can be the blueprint of the overall investigation. Gast and Ledford (2014), have mentioned above Three Types of Research Design, which can be implemented by the researchers depending upon the type of Investigation work and also the type of data that are needed for respective cases. The exploratory type of Research Design is dependent upon the collected information from previous research works. On the other hand the descriptive Research Design deals with the detail type of investigation, which is based upon the current situation of the research subject area. There is also the process of hypothetical Research Design, where the researchers have to deal with the effective hypothesis to make the resear ch design. Current research work will focus upon descriptive Research Design, which will ensure relevant data about the matters related to the customer perception towards the matter of brand name and brand recognition. It can also ensure that the research is done with the help of all types of proper data that are being collected before the conclusion is drawn. Research Philosophy There are two types of research philosophy,which can help in the process of examining the issue related to the research work. According to Panneerselvam (2014), the positivism research philosophy is believed to give effective test result in order to properly identify the research problem that is best according to therelevant collected information. It can help to draw a logical conclusion and evaluationfrom the collected data related to the research issue. On the other hand the interpretivist research philosophy, which will be used in the current research work,helps to deal with the matter related to the social issues of the research work. It can help to deal with the human factors, which are associated with the concept of brand imaging. Hence, it is possible to draw a relationship between the level of customer satisfaction and image of the brand. The positivism research philosophy cannot be applied in this context due to the fact that it is not possible to evaluate the social factor related to research, which is the main subject area of the current research work. Data Collection Methods The data collection procedure is the most important part of the research methodology, which can ensure that proper data relevant to the research subject area are being collected that is needed to draw proper conclusion. It is also important to ensure that proper method of Data Collection are being applied, which will ensure only relevant and genuine data are being collected from the fixed sample size. Vaioleti (2016), hasmentioned that there are two types of Data Collection method which are generally implemented in all types of research work. In primary data collection method,the researchers are dependent upon direct information collecting from the sample size. This can be done with the help of interview and survey of the selected sample size. Proper survey questionnaire and interview questions are designed in order to collect relevant information related to the research topic. On the other hand, secondary data relies upon information that is being collected from the previously condu cted research work of the same subject area. For the given research work, the investigators will depend upon both primary and secondary types of data, which will ensure all types of relevant information related to the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand image are being properly analysed before drawing the conclusion. From the secondary sources it is possible to compare the current data with that of the previous research work, which focused upon various factors related to level of customer satisfaction and brand recognition. With the help of both forms of primary and secondary data it is possible for the researcher to compare the changes, which are occurring in the consumer market. Sample Size and Methods There are two types of sampling method, which can be used by the researcher to decide upon the sample size to collect relevant information. The random sampling method is used to select the sample size, which are not predetermined at the initial stage. In this case the sample size is determined by probable method. There is also the method of non-probability Sampling size, where the researcher collects relevant data from the given group of sample, which have been determined initially before the start of the research (Silverman 2016). In the given case the researchers will collect data from random probable sample size. The approx. sample size that are predetermined are 10-20 business organisations of Australia, where the researchers will collect data related to their brand image and also conduct interview of the company management of the strategies they are implementing in the context of improving their brand image. The researchers will also conduct survey from random sample size of nearly 100 customers from each of the chosen business organisations. The customers will be selected on random basis, which will ensure wide range of data are being collected and thereby help to determine the factors related to customer satisfaction. Data analysis The researcher will analyse the collected data from the given sample size with the help of both quantitative and qualitative tools. The quantitative data analysis process will use the statistical data and thereby use proper statistical tools in order to draw conclusions from collected information (Flick 2015). There are also the qualitative analysis tools, which will help to provide proper explanation by implementing and initiating proper themes related to the research subject. Ethical considerations The ethical considerations are an important area of the research work, which helps to ensure that there are no unfair means adapted to collect data for the research work. For example while conducting the interview and survey it is the duty of the research workers to take proper permission from the authority in order to collect information. It is also their duty to not enforce any customers to participate in the survey work (Taylor et al. 2015). While collecting data from the secondary sources, which are from the previously conducted research work and Research articles, it is the duty of the investigators to take proper permission from the copyright holders. With the help of the ethical considerations, it is possible to ensure that the conclusion drawn from the research work is reliable and can be used as a source of future reference. Limitations The major limitations which will be faced by the researcher are due to the shortage of time and budget that is needed to collect all data relevant to the research work. It may also not be possible for the researchers to collect primary and secondary information from all the predetermined sources due to the fact that there might be legal issues that may not allow them to access information from all sources. Reference Bowen, J.T. and Chen McCain, S.L., 2015. Transitioning loyalty programs: A commentary on the relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), pp.415-430. Chao, R.F., Wu, T.C. and Yen, W.T., 2015. The Influence of Service Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty for Private Karaoke Roomsin Taiwan. The Journal of Global Business Management, 11(1), pp.59-67. Ene, S. and Ozkaya, B., 2014. A study on corporate image, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in the context of retail stores. Asian Social Science, 10(14), p.52. Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Gast, D.L. and Ledford, J.R. eds., 2014. Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. business. Hapsari, R., Clemes, M. and Dean, D., 2016. The mediating role of perceived value on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction: Evidence from Indonesian airline passengers. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, pp.388-395. Huang, C.C., Yen, S.W., Liu, C.Y. and Chang, T.P., 2014. The relationship among brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand resonance to repurchase intention of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online), 6(3), p.106. Nyadzayo, M.W. and Khajehzadeh, S., 2016. The antecedents of customer loyalty: A moderated mediation model of customer relationship management quality and brand image. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, pp.262-270. Panneerselvam, R., 2014. Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Saeed, R., Lodhi, R.N., Mehmood, A., Ishfaque, U., Dustgeer, F., Sami, A., Mahmood, Z. and Ahmad, M., 2013. Effect of brand image on brand loyalty and role of customer satisfaction in it. World Applied Sciences Journal, 26(10), pp.1364-1370. Saleem, H. and Raja, N.S., 2014. The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and brand image: Evidence from hotel industry of Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(5), pp.706-711. Silverman, D. ed., 2016. Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Vaioleti, T.M., 2016. Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12(1). Wirtz, J., Den Ambtman, A., Bloemer, J., Horvth, C., Ramaseshan, B., Van De Klundert, J., Gurhan Canli, Z. and Kandampully, J., 2013. Managing brands and customer engagement in online brand communities. Journal of Service Management, 24(3), pp.223-244. Zameer, H., Tara, A., Kausar, U. and Mohsin, A., 2015. Impact of service quality, corporate image and customer satisfaction towards customers perceived value in the banking sector in Pakistan. International journal of bank marketing, 33(4), pp.442-456. Zhang, Y., 2015. The Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nuclear Power Essays (1313 words) - Nuclear Technology,

Nuclear Power We use many sources of energy. One of our major sources is oil. Oil has been around for a long time. It is used in lamps, and it is refined into gas. Plastic products are also made from oil. From the 1900s and up oil has been used mostly in cars and boats. Oil is the most used natural resource we use (ChemCom 155). It is used the most because it is easy to find. The next most used source is nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants started to emerge in the 1950s. Russia had the first power plant (Keeler 39). Nuclear power plants are safe and very clean. Nuclear power is also very efficient. For every one million people in a city a nuclear power plant only needs 3 kilograms of uranium (Keeler 39). The third power source is natural gas. Natural gas is used in many household products. The main product in the house is the furnace. Practically all home furnaces run on natural gas. The second thing in the house that could be run by natural gas is the stove and oven. Many homes have gas burners and gas stoves , but there are some homes that use electricity for the stove and oven. The next product is water heaters. Water heaters burn natural gas to heat water. The main reason we use oil so much is because it is used in many things we use. Oil is used in cars, and it is refined into gasoline. The most important reason we use oil so much is because it is cheap. We used coal because it was easy to get. Coal also burned for a long time. Since coal was easy to get it was sold for a very cheap price. We use nuclear power because it is clean and it produces large amounts of energy. Natural gas is the same it burns clean when it produces energy. The effects of the energy we use now are terrible. When oil is burned it produces many harmful chemicals ( ChemCom 155). These chemicals include , carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Both of these chemicals pollute and are harmful to people. Oil is a non-renewable rsource, Oil will start to get harder and harder to find. The oil will be expensive to find and expensive to buy. Present day sources of oil will be gone in a little over 60 years (Discovery channel, Beyond 2000). Coal is already practically gone, They dont use it because it costs too much to mine and doesnt produce enough energy to make up for the price paid to mine. Natural gas is clean and efficient. Right now there is a lot of natural gas, but it still is not renewable. That isnt enough to produce the energy made by oil or nuclear energy. Examples of energy alternatives , such as wind mills have been around for centuries. In the 1600s and 1700s wind mills were used to pump water and crush grain. At the end of the 1800s , 6 ? million farms has windmills ( keeler, 69). Now todays windmills dont pump water or crush grain, they spin turbines. Ever since the oil embargo in the 70s people have been looking for energy alternatives. Wind power is very efficient and clean. It doesnt pollute at all (Keeler , 69 ). Since technology keeps getting better, wind power gets better also. Now the most modern wind mill can generate 2500 kilowatts of energy at speeds of 45 miles an hour ( Keeler ,69). If wind get too high the wind mill shuts down automatically. Solar energy is another non polluting energy alernative. Solar energy is collected by the sun from photovallic panels ( Keeler ,69). There are many test sites for solar panels. But they are located on the desert. The electric car is the most popular energy altenative. They have started appearing in california and some other states. Electric cars have gbeen around since 1908 Studabaker automobiles produced the first electric car ( New York Times p. 5bt ), but the car died out because gas powered cars could go faster and farther that the electric car. Now electric cars can go over

Monday, November 25, 2019

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA Best Students USA Accommodations Apparently, you are convinced that college accommodation is definitely one of the worst things you should survive while obtaining your degree. Besides doubtful neighbors, you will face living in a new space, which most of us imagine like small, uncomfortable room, where one is stuck for three or five years. Thus, most students try to hire flats or live at their parent’s place, which can be not very convenient due to additional time and transport expenses. Students’ accommodation is usually situated on the campus territory, so living there you have distinctively more time for sports, library attendance, writing essays or entertainment with your friends. So, what is it better to do in such situation and how to cope with this difficult choice of place for living? Before preferring any of your options concerning living conditions, we recommend you not to haste and find out everything about the accommodation at your college. You will be exceedingly surprised, but we want to astonish you with the fact that accommodations can be even architectural masterpieces. So meet these well-planned buildings, which dismantle all stereotypes. Baker House This building is designed and built for Cambridge students in Massachusetts. The project of the Baker House is executed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The architect embodied his ideas to provide a view out over the Charles River for each student and located the Baker house along the river. Besides, Alvar Aalto tried to avoid making typical and ordinary room design. Thus, he created 22 bedrooms on each floor. These bedrooms are saturated with individuality due to different shapes. The building has facade, made from red brick and fascinates all passersby by its look. That is so great for students to live in such an outstanding accommodation, which can become not only the place for living, but one of the vivid and bright recollections, concerning their years at the university. Peabody Terrace This students’ housing is located also in Harvard, Massachusetts and was designed by an architect Josep Luis Sert. Being the dean of the architecture school at Harvard University, Josep selected several room designs and arranged them into sections, creating terraces. The building has complex and peculiar design, but there can be hardly any students, who will not appreciate living at such astonishing place. Architects emphasize it outstanding design and ideological commitment and it will be an exciting experience for students to spend their time at this building. Noyes House This student dormitory is located in New York at the territory of the Vasar College campus. This building was designed by Eero Saarinen in slick crescent-shaped form. It was built in 1958 and symbolized the new breath to the residential life of the students. Though its architecture has respectful age, at those times it was a real breakthrough in the design of such buildings. Noyes House gives house for 178 students and is not a simple accommodation. It represents the first, progressive steps in the area of architecture masterpieces in regard to college and campus buildings. Olympia Avenue This is totally innovative residence hall for students, located in the Washington State. This building combines great interior design and superb interior planning, which presupposes lounges, kitchens, laundry facilities and studies, located on each floor. Except modern design this hall offers a lot of friendly features – storm water collection, geothermal heating and cooling, site restorations by means of natural landscaping and vegetation. So along with the living function Olympia Avenue executes the educational function, teaching its dwellers to take care about the environment. These students’ accommodations prove that there are always exceptions from the rules and college dormitories can be a great place for living. Just imagine how much friends you will make and what a great time you will spend, living in one of such dormitories at the campus area. Treat it as one of the adventures of your life and enjoy the best years at your college.

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA

Top-level Accommodations for Students in the USA Best Students USA Accommodations Apparently, you are convinced that college accommodation is definitely one of the worst things you should survive while obtaining your degree. Besides doubtful neighbors, you will face living in a new space, which most of us imagine like small, uncomfortable room, where one is stuck for three or five years. Thus, most students try to hire flats or live at their parent’s place, which can be not very convenient due to additional time and transport expenses. Students’ accommodation is usually situated on the campus territory, so living there you have distinctively more time for sports, library attendance, writing essays or entertainment with your friends. So, what is it better to do in such situation and how to cope with this difficult choice of place for living? Before preferring any of your options concerning living conditions, we recommend you not to haste and find out everything about the accommodation at your college. You will be exceedingly surprised, but we want to astonish you with the fact that accommodations can be even architectural masterpieces. So meet these well-planned buildings, which dismantle all stereotypes. Baker House This building is designed and built for Cambridge students in Massachusetts. The project of the Baker House is executed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The architect embodied his ideas to provide a view out over the Charles River for each student and located the Baker house along the river. Besides, Alvar Aalto tried to avoid making typical and ordinary room design. Thus, he created 22 bedrooms on each floor. These bedrooms are saturated with individuality due to different shapes. The building has facade, made from red brick and fascinates all passersby by its look. That is so great for students to live in such an outstanding accommodation, which can become not only the place for living, but one of the vivid and bright recollections, concerning their years at the university. Peabody Terrace This students’ housing is located also in Harvard, Massachusetts and was designed by an architect Josep Luis Sert. Being the dean of the architecture school at Harvard University, Josep selected several room designs and arranged them into sections, creating terraces. The building has complex and peculiar design, but there can be hardly any students, who will not appreciate living at such astonishing place. Architects emphasize it outstanding design and ideological commitment and it will be an exciting experience for students to spend their time at this building. Noyes House This student dormitory is located in New York at the territory of the Vasar College campus. This building was designed by Eero Saarinen in slick crescent-shaped form. It was built in 1958 and symbolized the new breath to the residential life of the students. Though its architecture has respectful age, at those times it was a real breakthrough in the design of such buildings. Noyes House gives house for 178 students and is not a simple accommodation. It represents the first, progressive steps in the area of architecture masterpieces in regard to college and campus buildings. Olympia Avenue This is totally innovative residence hall for students, located in the Washington State. This building combines great interior design and superb interior planning, which presupposes lounges, kitchens, laundry facilities and studies, located on each floor. Except modern design this hall offers a lot of friendly features – storm water collection, geothermal heating and cooling, site restorations by means of natural landscaping and vegetation. So along with the living function Olympia Avenue executes the educational function, teaching its dwellers to take care about the environment. These students’ accommodations prove that there are always exceptions from the rules and college dormitories can be a great place for living. Just imagine how much friends you will make and what a great time you will spend, living in one of such dormitories at the campus area. Treat it as one of the adventures of your life and enjoy the best years at your college.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Application of Criminological Theory

This paper will focus on the application of criminological theory in the following scenario: As the vice principal in charge of discipline at a prestigious school, I need to determine what actions to take in dealing with a deviant eighth grade male student. This student comes from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background and has now been caught in a physical altercation with another student. My direct supervisor, the principal, believes it is in the student’s best interest to remain at our school.As I am in charge of discipline, I will suggest several possible courses of action, incorporating criminological theories, to be used either singly or in tandem. The first course of action would be to speak to both of the students involved in the altercation and in turn, their parents. Although it is not an excuse, it is possible that there was some instigation preceding the altercation. Speaking with both students may paint a picture as to the nature of what transpired and how it could have been avoided. In any case, both students will be reprimanded as we have a zero tolerance policy for such acts here at the school. To properly understand the deviant student, let’s call him David, it will be necessary to find out more about his background, social and family ties, peer influences, general demeanor, and any goals or hopes he has. I cannot simply classify David as a juvenile delinquent or a future criminal. To label him may do more harm than good. Labeling Theory The labeling theory asserts that once an individual has deviated from the social norms of society, they are labeled as a delinquent or a criminal, and begin to behave as such (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011).In other words, if David is continuously labeled by the school, his peers, and society in general as a juvenile delinquent then he will begin to believe it himself. His self-esteem and self-worth will go down and he will begin viewing himself as a juvenile delinquent. Once David has accepted his label, he will begin to engage in more and more deviant acts. So it is important here that I am sensitive to his situation and avoid putting a label on him for one discretionary act. Social Disorganization Theory We know that David comes from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background.It is likely that he lives in an environment where social ties are poor and delinquent peer groups are abundant. Such communities have a higher crime rate and a higher rate of delinquency, as explained by their weak social bonds. Socially organized and tight-knit communities are more likely to supervise and control teenage peer groups where socially disorganized communities are not (McCord, 1992). External factors such as lack of supervision and a weak social bond may be contributing to David’s delinquency. Unfortunately, the school can do little in the way of helping him and his family out of their community. However, creating a social bond of sorts here at the school may help David move from a perhaps delinquent peer group to one more conscientious of social norms and societal laws. I would suggest trying to get David involved in a sport or another social club at the school. Again, finding out what he is interested in is an important part of helping him. We want David to feel socially accepted and increase his self-esteem. Learning Theories Learning theories suggest that antisocial, deviant, and criminal behavior is not instilled in an individual, but learned through interactions with their environment and peers. Because of their individual circumstances, some people learn and practice behaviors that the larger society condemns. Not surprisingly, children growing up in neighborhoods rife with crime often end up committing crime themselves† (Barkan, 2009). It is essential that David associate with peers that follow and respect societies rules. The theory of differential association attributes an individual’s attitudes and views of crime and deviance to that of their immediate social groups.In other words, if David’s peer group is deviant, he will be deviant as well. Another explanation for that follows the theory of differential identification; David may feel the need to â€Å"fit in† and be accepted as a member of a group. By acting like the group he has chosen to fit in to; dressing like they do, speaking the way they speak, and engaging in the same deviant activities they engage in, he gains their approval and is accepted as part of the group. In the same manner, David is learning deviant behavior because he is exposed to it on a regular basis.He may see violence and deviance as a social norm (and therefore acceptable) because in his immediate environment it is a normal occurrence. Finally, through differential reinforcement, this learned behavior is reinforced through reward or praise from his peer group. Perhaps he see’s frequent violence in which the person committing the violence is never reprimanded. If David believes he can commit these acts with little fear of reprimand or with the encouragement of his peer group, he is more likely to do so and not even feel like he has done anything wrong.School is a place with many rules and many types of interactions with different people. Clearly what is acceptable in David’s home environment and peer group is not acceptable here. It is important that he understand what is right and wrong in this setting and furthermore, in society. I will likely suggest that David speak with the school’s psychologist to determine how much learned deviant behavior he has experienced. This will also give him an opportunity to bond with someone who respects social norms and laws. Control TheoriesUnlike other criminological theories, control theories set out to learn not why individuals commit crime, but why they do not commit crime (Akers Sellers, 2004). David’s meeting with the school psychologist will also shed some light on where he measures using some of the control theories. The containment theory introduces the possibility that there are internal and external influences that guide an individual away from committing crime. Internally, that individual’s positive self-image and tolerance for frustration help sway them from becoming deviant.On the other side, external influences like positive role models and a close family bond will do the same (Barkan, 2009). Travis Hirshi’s social bonding theory had several explanations for the behavior of juveniles. These explanations included supported research that found that â€Å"youth’s who were strongly attached to their parents were less likely to commit criminal acts† and â€Å"youths who maintained weak and distant relationships with people tended toward delinquency† (Evans, n. d. ) One final addition to control theories, although there are several more, is the coercive control and social support theory.This theory, in short, states that an individual is coerced into crime either through fear or through other means, such as poverty. Whether that individual has strong social support from family, their community, and social institutions such as school, has a large impact on the likelihood that the individual with commit crime. While each of these control theories introduce several ideas about why individual’s may or may not commit crime, one similarity is present throughout. The presence of a strong social bond with friends, family, and community encourages a crime free existence. To encourage David to head down the right path, so to speak, we need to fortify his social bonds. Life-Course Theories Life-course theories focus on what factors occur during different stages of one’s life that may promote delinquency or crime. These factors include: socioeconomic status, poor and inconsistent parenting, weak social bonds, poor school performance, and delinquent peers. (Barkan, 2009). The recurring theme across the life-course theories is that it is weak social bonds, poor parenting, and the influence of delinquent peers that determine an individual’s susceptibility to deviant behavior.Strain, or stress, result from an individual’s perceived inadequacies making them even more susceptible. Such strain can be caused by any number of the causal factors of delinquency listed above. A young and impressionable individual such as David may experience strain because of his socioeconomic status, his difficulty at the school, or many other reasons. The more strain one experiences, the more likely they are to display deviant behavior. Conclusion I fully support the principal’s decision to keep David at the school as it truly is in his best interest.My final disciplinary decision regarding the physical altercation between David and the other student will include several days of in-school suspension where both boys will be able to serve out their punishment while still completing school assignments, separated from the rest of the students of course. I am compelled to reach out to David and give him every opportunity to reform. I will be speaking with the teacher who made the initial complaint regarding David to explain to them that he is in need of a positive role model and positive reinforcement.A visit with the school’s psychologist will also be made. Not only will this give David an outlet to perhaps discuss his problems, it will also expose him to another positive influence and someone who can help him cope with any anger issues he may have. Introducing David to positive and close social bonds is already decreasing the chance that he will engage in more deviant behavior. Suggestions will be made that he engage in a sport or other social clubs at the school. This will encourage David to interact with a less deviant peer group.There will also be a meeting between David and myself. I will explain to David that his current behaviors are unacceptable here at school and any further infractions will be dealt with swift and more severe punishments. Once that has been discussed, I would like to find out more about what goals David has. In doing so, I can help motivate him to obtain these goals. My intention is to make it clear to him that I am there to help with any issues he has and that he can feel comfortable coming to me, or any other school staff, if he needs to.In closing, the main goal here is to help David by introducing positive role models, making him feel socially accepted to increase his self-esteem, strengthen his social bonds, and encourage him to interact with people in a more positive way. If nowhere else, a school should foster these values to reduce a child’s likelihood of delinquency. ? References Akers, R. , Sellers, C. (2004). Student Study Guide for Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application (4th ed. ). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Networking assignnment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Networking assignnment - Essay Example The CEO sets the budget for the company and allocates the funds. Such responsibility requires analytical and business skills related to marketing and business management (Trammell par. 2). Enough business experience is important because it helps the CEO analyze both the business environment and another market aspect for the company. The CEO needs experience to understand the market and investment characteristics. Investment experience and knowledge are crucial especially when making decisions on investment opportunities for the company. Management experience is also critical. Experience on managing a company is important because the CEO has responsibility not only for the success of the company in the market but also in handling personnel. As noted earlier in this paper, the CEO is responsible for the companys major functional components. Educational experience in marketing and global business will help the CEO understand market trends on a global perspective that are central to the success of the company. Though the CEO often delegates departmental duties to various senior managers, he/ she requires educational background on communication, management and human resource. Knowledge on communication will help strengthen the relationship between the CEO and other personnel in the company. However, the most vital educational experience is the management because the overall duty of the CEO is to manage every component of the company. My desire to go for this type of job is driven by the fact that I have certain characteristics that qualify me for this career. For a start, I can start by managing a small company because I have prior business experience working for such a company. My business experience stems from the fact that I did an internship and attachment for a couple of months at a business company. I learned a lot regarding management of the company plus its personnel. My strong interest in the business area is the motivation to follow the path

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reaction paper on religious Tolerance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reaction paper on religious Tolerance - Article Example per will analyze the opinions expressed by two prominent authors on religious phenomenon and tolerance and explain their profound influence on my understanding of concepts like religion, morality and tolerance. In his article titled ‘This Is a Religious War: September 11 was Only the Beginning’, the author Andrew Sullivan expresses his opinions on various issues related to religion, inter-faith clashes and religious fundamentalism. Many of my opinions on religious phenomenon and tolerance have in fact been shaped on Sullivan’s views and arguments. Sullivan says that in principle, faith is a form of conflict with reason, which in effect implies that it is in conflict with science. He further says that the only ultimate truth is god and that science can never disprove this true faith as it rests on truth. Science or reasoning can thus never find reason for conflict with this truth. I also find his interpretation of religious evolution as an interesting observation on human civilization and development. The belief that god created the universe does imply that any explanation on its formulation cannot find reason to contradict its creator, in other words find fault with any faith as all of them reconcile to the truth that will always remain beyond our fullest perception and understanding. Sullivan undoubtedly encourages religious tolerance by taking a harsh stand on fundamentalism across all religions. He not only criticizes the justification of violence as a means of achieving religious ends, but also despises fundamentalism as an obstacle in introducing doubt into the faith and its reluctance to encourage human reason. In fact, the cornerstone of religious tolerance is to rid oneself of exclusion and pride and to treat mystery as the primary reality behind any religious pursuit. While this may uphold truth that cannot be proven empirically, it nevertheless does not provide room for any hatred against other faiths. In January 2008, the noted psychologist

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Forrest Gump Essay Example for Free

Forrest Gump Essay Forrest Gump is a movie whose title is named after its main character, Forrest Gump. The main character is not a fast-witted fellow, who kills time in waiting for the bus by sharing the story of his life to anyone who sits with him on a bench in the bus stop. He always remembers the time when he met Elvis Presley, and also when his dear mother died. He shares stories about going to college and how he dealt with his new life in that new environment, and proudly tells strangers about how a scholarship grant has helped him enter college. He recalls stories about him entering the army. As a member of the army, he was sent to Vietnam. From this experience, he returned to his country of origin as a hero because in Vietnam, he was able to save his friends in the army. Since he was able to make himself a hero, he shares to strangers how many presidents of different countries he has already met. He also recalls how he got wealthy by setting up a business. He looks back to the days when he was very engrossed into professional ping-pong. He is telling people who sits beside him on the bench about his popularity which he got from running to and from one country to another, for three consecutive years (McCarthy, 1994). All these stories which Forrest Gump keeps on sharing to strangers seem different from each other. However, when one takes a better and closer look at it, the sum of Forrest Gump’s stories revolves around Jenny. Jenny is the one true love of Forrest. He falls in love with this girl so deeply that he never notices other girls. He thinks about her every now and then. He is too enamoured with too many thoughts about Jenny. Because Forrest Gumps life is not perfect, he loses Jenny along the way. Everything that Forrest does from that time on was towards finding Jenny. With much perseverance, and also even luck, he was able to find Jenny once again. They reconnect with each other. With this reunion, Forrest finds out that he and Jenny have a son together. Jenny, however, was almost dying all through the years. He is suffering from a disease which has no treatment or medication. Then again, even after knowing this, Forrest still decides to marry Jenny. After a very short period of time, Jenny dies from the incurable disease. What Forrest did was to raise their son even when Jenny was no longer around. He became a father to his son on his own (McCarthy, 1994). Forrest Gump, in this story, is a very good representation of the genre â€Å"innocent at large†. His snippets of wisdom are very sensible although they are very simple. He is also slow-witted. The way he looks portrays innocence because he is donning a buzz-cut hairstyle. The world around Forrest Gump is undeniably a stressful and a hectic one, but even if he is living in this kind of world, he is still able to look at the world in a good way. He still thinks that the world is a nice place to live in. While Forrest looks very innocent, viewers will still understand and see that he is not completely innocent, and that he also knows things. It simply goes to show that Forrest defies the stereotype of a hero. Heroes are expected to be man enough, to be smart, fit and almost perfect. Forrest still managed to be a hero despite all his imperfections. Jenny, on the other hand, was the opposite of Forrest. While she knew a lot about the world and was rich with experiences, she is constantly confused. She hooks up with boys she barely knows; she does drugs, and battles thoughts and attempts of suicide. She only decides to settle down with Forrest when she was almost dying, and this time, she sounded and acted more matured. Again, she defies the stereotype of smart people making smart decisions, since Jenny, being knowledgeable, being the women who taught Forrest how to read and write, is the same woman who always creates poor decisions (McCarthy, 1994). As a reader, it is easy to relate with Forrest Gump because there are times when wishes and dreams are achieved even without the conventional way of reaching it. It can be related to the many times people do not believe in what I can do or what opinions I am capable of making. It can also be as simple as doing everything in my power to buy my dream pair of shoes, or the book I have been meaning to read for the longest time, and even when getting them seems impossible, I end up having them land on my hands. The movie discussed many things about family, marriage and society. Throughout the entire film, we can see that Forrests mother is very supportive of him. She supported him even though a lot of people think that he has no future with his IQ that is below average. She pushed him to do normal things despite what other people say. She even went as far as to entertain the indecent wishes of the school principal just so Forrest can enter school. In all these examples, the role of the mother as a family member who supports other members is clearly shown. The film also explored the family theme in Lieutenant Dans determination to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors who died in battle. Lieutenant Dans only wish is to be killed in action and nothing else. This reflects the tendency of members of a family to follow the choices in life of fellow members. However, Lieutenant Dan failed to follow the footsteps of his ancestors because he was saved by Forrest. Marriage is discussed in the movie in the scene where Forrest proposes to marry Jenny. Forrest made it clear that she loved Jenny despite the fact that he is â€Å"not a smart man. † Upon learning that he has a child that also has his name, Forrest also gladly assumed the role of a father even though his intelligence is below average. In addition, Forrest and Jenny got married even if Jenny is already dying. These events show that marriage should be founded on the responsibility of each member and their love for each other (McCarthy, 1994). Society was also discussed in the film because it was shown that Forrest had to go through many challenges as he tried to accomplish things that normal people accomplish. His classmates didnt like him in the school bus and he was always bullied in school. His classmates even chased him with their pickup truck. Forrest was able to break through the challenges that society presented though through his talents and skills. Since he can run very fast, Forrest was able to go through college with a scholarship for playing football. His talent in ping-pong also allowed him to go to China and play with their leader. In the military, his fast rifle assembly skills made him look good in the eyes of his commander. While these instances are exaggerated, they do make it clear that it is possible to be accepted by society if you willingly share your talents and skills to other people. Critics absolutely love Forrest Gump. It sparked intense debate among critics about whether the film was promoting conservative or liberal values. Roger Ebert praised Eric Roths screenplay and Tom Hanks acting. Some critics though, did not like film. Entertainment Weekly and The New Yorker said that the film reminds them of Disney because the film tends to reduce history to a colorful theme park. Currently though, the film is considered a classic among many film critics. Forrest Gump is also rated very high in various movie review websites (McCarthy, 1994). I love the film because it is very touching and deep but is still interesting and funny. Forrest Gump is very inspirational because he achieved so many things in life despite the fact that he has a very low IQ. Its not only Forrest though who made his victories and successes possible but also the people around him: his mother, Bubba, Lieutenant Dan, and even Jenny. This shows that society also works to help us achieve our goals no matter what our skills are. I also like the film because it went through a long part of the United States history but it presented it in a comedic and sarcastic way. Since Forrest does not know the real depth of the issues that surrounds him, history looks less serious people would normally think. The film gives the impression that everything that has happened to the world, including the Vietnam War, can be viewed as ridiculous and probably unnecessary. Bubba died needlessly in battle just because he had to serve in the war. His dreams ended just like that and Forrest was willing to accept the death of his friend. Forrest Gump is a great movie that everyone must watch. If you want to dig deep into the emotions of people and the issues of society, this is an excellent film to watch. Truly, Forrest Gump is a classic that entertains and educates its viewers. Reference McCarthy, T. (July 11, 1994). Forrest Gump. Variety Online Magazine. Retrieved 18 December 2008 http://www. variety. com/index. asp? layout=Variety100reviewid=VE1117487968content=jumpjump=reviewcategory=1935cs=1p=0.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

HIV and AIDS: Public Safety vs. Civil Liberties Essay -- Sexually Tra

When a nation is faced with a deadly epidemic does the country have the right to suspend individual’s rights in order to better protect the welfare of the community? This debate has emerged across the U.S.; many have implemented quarantines with regards to h1n1 virus and other contagious, potentially deadly diseases. This includes but is not limited to isolating individuals infected, closing schools, and shutting down public transportation systems. Others are considering enacting new and controversial rules. â€Å"Since the outbreak of the new flu strain, Massachusetts legislators have sought to pass a law that would allow officials to detain or quarantine someone even when there is uncertainty over the person's exposure to contagious disease. Other states have adopted similar laws in recent years† (Efarti 1). These laws can give states the right to contain persons, violating individual rights for the betterment of society. With the government having the ability to quarantine patients infected with potentially harmful diseases on questions the rights the individual has. Can the country detain HIV victims so that the disease will be eliminated? Should the county detain these infected persons for the safety of the community? This issue is constantly debated; by presenting community safety and personal rights in America one can better understand societal nature. Living with HIV is a constant battle, with the disease, self, others, and government. If one contrasts HIV there are legal ramifications one must abide too. Each state is different, this paper will explain the laws of, ‘Wisconsin’ and any legal obligations a person with HIV/AIDS must follow. Once getting an HIV test whether one gets a confidential or anonymous test, know that... ...p://>. 2) Efarti, Amir. "Public Safety v. Civil Liberties: Health Crisis Leads to New Case." 7 May 2009. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. . 3) Gallant, Joel E. 100 Questions & Answers about HIV and AIDS. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2009. Print. 4) "PHILA.GOV | Welcome to the City of Philadelphia." Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. . 5) "STD Lawsuits  « Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Herpes, HIV Lawsuit." Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Herpes, HIV Lawsuit. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. . 6) Wisconsin State Law., art. 252, sec. 1-400. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internal Rate of Return

Many companies wants to have a return on their Investment In a few years and begin to evaluate their projects optimistically calculating an Internal rate of real return not yielding results In the end. This does not end up being expected by the companies; According to the article the authors John C. Keller and Justine J. McCormick . They suggest that there is a tendency to a risky behavior, Companies started to run the risk of creating unrealistic numbers for themselves and shareholder expectations, which it could confuse communications with investors and inflating managerial rewards.This confronts us with a real and serious problem when it comes to investing in projects because later we can not generate the expected return and risk of failure in the project, the AIR can generate two different values for the same project when future cash flows switch from negative to positive (or positive to negative). In addition, since the AIR Is expressed as a percentage, and This can make small p rojects appear more attractive than large , although large projects with lower AIR may be more attractive as NP of smaller projects with AIR .The management of the AIR must be just when the project generates no Interim cash flows – or when those Interim cash flows really can be invested in real AIR otherwise would not be realistically analyzing the viability of the project, and this is not what you want if you really are expecting to thrive in a project, The best you can do is to get real results that can assess the potential risks of the investment and the real return of the project.Among its disadvantages we can find that requires finally are compared with an opportunity cost of capital to determine the decision on the project. That project in which the internal rate of return, we will accept it greater than the discount rate investor (relevant Interest rate), the AIR criterion is not reliable to compare projects and only tells us whether a project Is better than the altern ative profitability. The AIR , only evaluates local Impacts that do not necessarily Impact the company as a whole system , which alms to make more money.The AIR Is Important to calculate the profitability of resources. The VPN allows feasibility analysis, when this indicator is positive projects are attractive and allows optimizing resources when the project has a higher NP than others. The AIR, only evaluates the feasibility, when this is greater than the rate of chance, but definitely does not optimizing resources. When you are evaluating projects for enterprise systems for profit, the criterion to be used, is the VPN.In non-profit companies, the appropriate criterion may be the AIR , because it allows to identify the financial feasibility and optimization of resources, meets the criteria or indicators of social evaluation, where the owner of the project, the population Is required greatest need and urgency. Taking Into account the point of views of the authors we have to mention something Important, and that Is when the cost of capital Is used, the true annual equivalent yield of a project can be significantly reduced – again , especially with projects they reported high Minimal IRS .When executives review projects with IRS that are close to cost of capital of a are not particularly real because the rate distortion reinvestment is more noticeable precisely when managers tend to think that their projects are more attractive. In conclusion, the simplest way to avoid problems with the AIR , is not use it to calculate profitability of projects because we do not want to invest on wrong assumptions , no tater whatever it's used to review projects , it is important that projects are based on real and figures close to the company objectives.This is important to achieve the desired performance as stakes and risk capital investment, An option can be for small projects because it is the most practical thing to do, but for big projects it is recommended not to f all into this kind of assumptions not realistic to avoid disappointment , you must learn to avoid the risk and not be tempted by fast optimistic estimates or investment returns that does not show us the big picture , Executives should use at least a modified internal rate of return.It is better if they use MIR to calculate the profitability because It allows users to set rates more realistic interim reinvestment and therefore to calculate a true annual equivalent yield, Other aspect to consider is whether the internal rate of return is greater than the discount rate, the project should be accepted as a higher yield that estimated the minimum required, but you can do this Just when the net cash flows are reinvested. You should think, if the internal rate of return is less than the discount rate, the project should be rejected because lower yield estimates is the minimum required.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Only God has the right to interfere in our genes

In this piece of coursework, I am going to write about Genetic engineering. I am going to discuss about the statement â€Å"Only God has the right to interfere with our genes†. I am going to Genes are made up of DNA. DNA is a substance which conveys messages through out the body. The message includes structure and functioning of cells. DNA is also known as chromosome (Many people are affected by genetics disease which may cause disability or early death). The genes are composed of DNA and are carried on the chromosomes. Genes direct the production of all the molecules that form the structures that of a cell. Genes determine the inherited characteristics that distinguish one individual from another. Each human has an estimated 90,000 genes. I think interfering with someone genes is totally wrong because its like deciding who will be what, like if doctors select someone as 99.99% footballer, then there will be no way he can beated by others. Some Muslims believe that Doctors are playing God because they are deciding our genes. They are deciding our colour, style, attitude etc. I think this is totally wrong because God made us and only he has the right to make changes in us. Allah Almighty says: (See ye not how Allah hath made serviceable unto you whatsoever is in the skies and whatsoever is in the earth and hath loaded you with His favors both without and within? Yet of mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah, without knowledge or guidance or a Scripture giving light.) (Luqman 31: 20) which means doctors shouldn't interfere with God decisions. Whereas Some Muslims would say it's ok to interfere with genes to help someone because the Quran and hadith teach that Muslims should do all they can to cure disease? Discovering the genetic make-up of humans and using those discoveries to Improve human life is a part of what God wants humans to do as vice-gerents of his creation. It is no difference from researching into drugs which can be used to improve human life. There is a different between creating cells and creating people. Creating people by science rather than sex would be wrong. Because it would be taking over God's role in the creation of life, but creating cells is working with God. Some Christians mainly liberal Protestants, believe that genetic engineering is a good thing which should be supported by churches because Jesus told people to cure the disease and they believe that Jesus was also a healer whereas Some Christian will disagree with their view because they believe that they believe that jesus was also a healer whereas, Some Christians will disagree with their view because they believe that there is a different between creating cells and creating people. Creating people by rather than sex would be wrong because it would be wrong because it would be taking over God's role in the creation of life, but creating cells is working with God. Roman Catholics disagree with the use of embryos because they think life begins at the moment of conception whether in a womb or a glass dish. They believe killing an embryo is killing human is banned by the bible and the church.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Evaluation Essay The Elements of Style Essay Example

Evaluation Essay The Elements of Style Essay Example Evaluation Essay The Elements of Style Essay Evaluation Essay The Elements of Style Essay Section 9 and section 10 from, â€Å"The Elements of Style†, were the two sections that I learned the most from. Section 9: One paragraph to each topic, taught me that your paragraphs length will vary on subdivision. Section 10: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; end it in conformity with the beginning taught me how to discover the purpose of each paragraph when you begin reading it and to retain all the information and purpose at the end of the paragraph. William Strunk Jr. said, in section 9: One paragraph to each topic, â€Å"a subject requires subdivision into topics, each of which should be make the subject of a paragraph.† If you are wanting a very brief paragraph on a certain subject, then subdivision may not need to be used. Subdivision only needs to be used on, â€Å"a brief description, a brief summary of a literary work, a brief account of a single incident, a narrative merely outlining an action, the setting forth of a single idea. After the paragraph has been written, it should be examined to see whether subdivision will not improve it.† Subdivision should only be used if a single paragraph is being used. Strunk’s purpose of section 9: one paragraph to each topic, was to show the readers that subdivision will vary on the length of the composition, or if you are wanting a brief paragraph. This section was very informational and Strunk’s approach on this section was informational, after reading t his section I feel very informed. Section 10: As a rule, begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; end it in conformity with the beginning, Strunk says, â€Å"If the paragraph forms part of a larger composition, its relation to what precedes, or its function as a part of the whole, may need to be expressed.† In the topic sentence there can be different words or phrases to express the tone of the paragraph. Based on the writer’s purpose, he/she might relate their body paragraph to the topic sentence. Such as stretching th