Monday, August 24, 2020

Your Ideal Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Your Ideal Family - Essay Example As the term ‘ideal’ implied â€Å"satisfying one’s origination of what is great; most suitable† (Oxford University Press, 2014), for me, a perfect family ought to be adjusted; which means, beside the nearness of the two guardians, kin ought to be at any rate two. Yet, due to China’s one youngster strategy which was recently commanded as a way to forestall populace blast, my folks clung to the standard. Along these lines, being a lone girl didn't accommodate my definition and idea of a perfect family. I would have needed in any event one kin to share youth encounters and a typical cling to communicate the affection, mindful and bolster that I got from my folks. From my own viewpoint, I firmly accept that a few powers that influence families incorporate inner and outside powers. Interior powers are the qualities, convictions and methods of reasoning of every relative, as people, that shape one’s character. Obviously, I avow that every individual was brought up in an alternate familial condition which makes encounters and conviction frameworks particular and one of a kind. In like manner, outer powers that influence families incorporate the political framework, monetary and money related condition, social components (how individuals inside the network identified with one another), innovative variables, and natural elements. These components have influenced my family. For the social powers, it was underscored that the accompanying variables were noted to influence families: instruction, lodging, business, youth social patterns (Ryan, 2014). For example, inside powers, which were depicted as the worth frameworks of every one of my parent, have influenced the manner in which I was raised. My dad had been even more a stickler and displayed a progressively legitimate style. Interestingly, my mom is extremely majority rule in her child rearing style. Along these lines, there were cases where my dad and mom communicated differentiating sees while in transit to address a few concerns and issues on bringing me or up in taking care of issues. The

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Take-home final exam of Korean Melodrama class Term Paper

Bring home last, most important test of Korean Melodrama class - Term Paper Example With regards to film, shinpa is utilized to depict the exaggerated movies made principally somewhere in the range of 1913 and 1923. These movies were the ones which had solid showy components when contrasted with the unadulterated film dramatization which was impacted from the western style. Shinpa films were scrutinized by the pundits first and foremost yet later the contemporary crowd got them well indeed. The shinpa films were acknowledged yet then they out of nowhere vanished. Today, they exist in some structure (Gateward 44). Shinpa started in Japan and it implied another wave to the old plays. Recording in Korea was started by the shinpa troupes who adjusted them from Japanese plays. This style in the long run hugy affected the Korean film. Shinpa came as a modernization in the colonized Korea where the film and theater joined and created quiet movies with melodies out of sight. It likewise carried new ideas to the Korean film; the soonest being family intrigues with a scholarly who has been sent to another country to examine. This was the soonest and most clear trait of shinpa (Gateward 44). Logical inconsistency between two qualities, portraying agony and disarray to grab the eye of the watchers to bring them out of the old qualities and get them into new present day ones. The battle between the two qualities or two sentiment of an individual is the shinpa structure depicting the impact among conventional and current Korea. The customary Korean acting was to a great extent impacted by the western culture as Korea was to a great extent subordinate upon the American economy and culture both. Nonetheless, there were as yet huge numbers of the thoughts that had a place with mainstream society. Shinpa got hold of this culture and it began creating. In the long run, with the improvement of the film and the modernization, shinpa lost its control. Shinpa was viewed as a pioneer aftereffect and it was constrained out of film. Exaggerated movies of families and youth dominated and shinpa had vanished. Shinpa’s elaborate components

Sunday, July 26, 2020

2016 All Women, All the Time (An FAQ)

2016 All Women, All the Time (An FAQ) In a way, 2015 was an excellent year for YA. Because there were awesome books! SO MANY AWESOME BOOKS! Off the top of my head: Bone Gap, A History of Glitter and Blood, The Truth Commission, See No Color, Infandous, Shadowshaper, Kissing in America, Out of Darkness, Dumplin, MARTians, Delicate Monsters, The Scorpion Rules, All the Rage… and I could go on. But it’s also been an extremely hard year for many of us in the Young Adult community. There’s been a lot of conflict, a lot of hurt, a lot of not listening, and a lot of not being heard. Again and again, womens’ voices were  brushed aside, dismissed, deemed irrational or deceptive or overreactionâ€"which is something I pretty much always expect to see in our larger culture, but not so much in our supposedly warm and fuzzy and inclusive YA community. Naive, I know. And, as a straight white cisgendered woman, entirely privileged. This year, I’ve seen women offer up criticism about the female characterization in male-authored books, and I’ve seen women from marginalized groups offer up criticism about depictions of those same groups… and every time, I’ve seen them slapped down for being unkind and unfair, told that they should be quiet if they didn’t have anything nice to say, that they were just looking for things to be offended by, that they were looking too closely at the text. (That last one, coming from a literary community that is always fighting for more mainstream respect, is especially galling.) I’ve seen women make the same points again and again and again, and I’ve seen how somehow, very few people hear said point until a man steps up and repeats it. And of course, that situation gets exacerbated exponentially when you factor in intersectional marginalization. About a month ago, an essay ran here at Book Riot about a woman’s decision to read mainly women authors. It got plenty of positive THIS SOUNDS LIKE A FUN PROJECT comments, but it also got a lot of pushback. Ugly pushback. A lot. It spilled out from the comments and onto social media and ugliness was spewed and threats were made and it was just vile. And, as I watched that all play out, rather than scaring me off, all of the garbage levelled at that essayâ€"and, of course, at the woman who wrote itâ€"resulted in the realization that this year, every single book that I’ve read that I have connected on a kindred-spirit level has been a book written by a woman. It made me realize that lately, while I haven’t felt particularly welcome in a community that I used to consider welcoming, that I have felt embraced and affirmed and heard and challengedâ€"in a positive wayâ€"by those same authors, in those same books. It made me realize that at the moment, I want to surround myself with womens’ voices. That I want to put my energy into listening to them, engaging with them, learning from them, and amplifying them. And so, in 2016, I’ve decided to read entirely women authors. Prose to poetry to comics, nonfiction to fiction, picture books to chapter books to YA to the adult market: for me, 2016 will be all ladies, all the time. And now, I shall provide you with the answers to a selection of predicted questions: DON’T YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’LL BE MISSING OUT? WHY WOULD YOU LIMIT YOURSELF LIKE THAT? It’s funnyâ€"people sit down and spend a year reading only Charles Dickens or Shakespeare or James Joyce, and I’ve never see this question asked. Meanwhile, in addition to whatever comes out next year, I’ve got the entire history of women’s writing to work with, so… no. No, I won’t feel like I’ll be missing out. ISN’T THAT SEXIST? No. If that isn’t enough of an answer for you, see above. If someone sitting down with Chas or Will or Jim for a yearâ€"focusing in on a specific body of workâ€"isn’t sexist, neither is this. GOOD BOOKS ARE GOOD BOOKS. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO THE AUTHOR IS. That’s not a question. (But really, do you honestly think that an artist’s life experience or identity has no effect whatsoever with the body of work that they create? Like, REALLY? I understand separating the artist from the art, but the theory that perspective and again, life experience, don’t affect the art itself is just utterly illogical.) Also, you do you. Read what you want to read, and enjoy it. I’ll do the same.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Using Percents - Calculating Commissions

A percent is a value divided by 100. For example, 80% and 45% are equal to 80/100 and 45/100, respectively. Just as a percent is a portion of 100, an actual quantity is part of an unknown whole. This article focuses on using percent and proportions to solve for that unknown whole. Finding the Whole in Real Life: Commissions Real estate agents, car dealers, and pharmaceutical sales representatives earn commissions. A commission is a percentage, or part, of sales. For example, a real estate agent earns a portion of the selling price of a house that she helps a client purchase or sell. A car dealer earns a portion of the selling price of an automobile that she sells. Example: Real Estate AgentNoà « aims to earn at least $150,000 as realtor this year. He earns a 3% commission. Whats the total dollar amount of houses that he must sell to reach his goal?What do you know?Noà « will earn 3 dollars per 100;Noà « will earn 150,000 dollars per ? 3/100 150,000/xCross multiply. Hint: Write these fractions vertically to get the full understanding of cross multiplying. To cross multiply, take the first fractions numerator and multiply it by the second fractions denominator. Then take the second fractions numerator and multiply it by the first fractions denominator.3 * x 150,000 * 1003x 15,000,000Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x.3x/3 15,000,000/3x $5,000,000Verify the answer.Does 3/100 150,000/5,000,0003/100 .03150,000/5,000,000 .03 Exercises 1. Ericka, a real estate agent, specializes in leasing apartments. Her commission is 150% of her clients monthly rent. Last week, she earned $850 in commission for an apartment that she helped her client to lease. How much is the monthly rent? 2. Ericka wants $2,500 for each leasing transaction. For each transaction, she earns 150% of her clients monthly rent. How much must her clients rent be for her to earn $2,500? 3. Pierre, an art dealer, earns 25% commission of the dollar value of the art pieces that he sells at the Bizzell Gallery. Pierre earns $10,800 this month. What is the total dollar value of the art that he sells? 4. Alexandria, a car dealer, earns 40% commission of her luxury vehicles sales. Last year, her salary was $480,000. What was the total dollar amount of her sales last year? 5. Henry is an agent for movie stars. He earns 10% of his clients’ salaries. If he made $72,000 last year, how much did he clients make in all? 6. Alejandro, a pharmaceutical sales representative, sells statins for a drugmaker. He earns a 12% commission of the total sales of the statins that he sells to hospitals. If he earned $60,000 in commissions, what was the total dollar value of the drugs that he sold?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Marketing Plan and Stp - 1192 Words

Marketing Plan Marketers have essentially four variables to use when crafting a marketing strategy and writing a marketing plan. They are price, promotion, product and distribution (also called placement). They are sometimes referred to as the four p s. A marketing mix is a combining of these four variables in a way that will meet or exceed organizational objectives. A separate marketing mix is usually crafted for each product offering. When constructing the mix, marketers must always be thinking of who their target market are. Mix coherency refers to how well the components of the mix blend together. A strategy of selling expensive luxury products in discount stores has poor coherency between distribution and product offering.†¦show more content†¦A target market is the market segment which a particular product is marketed to. It is often defined by age, gender and/or socio-economic grouping. Targeting strategy is the selection of the customers you wish to service. The decisions involved in targeting strategy include: †¢ how many segments to target †¢ which segments to target †¢ how many products to offer †¢ which products to offer in which segments There are three steps to targeting: †¢ market segmentation †¢ target choice †¢ product positioning Targeting strategy decisions are influenced by: †¢ market maturity †¢ diversity of buyers needs and preferences †¢ the company s size †¢ strength of the competition †¢ the volume of sales required for profitability Targeting can be selective (eg.: focus strategy, market specialization strategy or niche strategy), or extensive (eg.: full coverage, mass marketing, or product specialization). positioning is the technique in which marketers try to create an image or identity for a product, brand, or company. It is the place a product occupies in a given market as perceived by the target market. Positioning is something that is done in the minds of the target market. A product s position is how potential buyers see the product. Positioning is expressed relative to the position of competitors. Re-positioning involves changing the identity of a product, relative to the identity of competing products, in theShow MoreRelatedWhy The Cleveland Indians Could Benefit From Using The Stp Model1634 Words   |  7 Pagesto develop a successful marketing strategy and to create value for its customers, there are three essential steps that must be followed. This process includes segmenting, targeting, and positioning (STP). The basis of this process is to divide the population into segments with a distinct commonality, identify the segment(s) to target in efforts of reaching marketing goals, and then position the product or service to appeal to the targeted market. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Last Castle Free Essays

The movie â€Å"The Last Castle† provides examples of good leadership and bad leadership. Colonel Winter, the warden of a military is the example of bad leadership, while General Irwin, a prisoner at Winter’s prison is an example of good leadership. The film illustrates that a leader does not have to have a technical leadership position to gain followers, and how two leaders who have differing viewpoints on leadership cannot exist in the same space without conflict. We will write a custom essay sample on The Last Castle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Henri Nouwen, in his book on leadership â€Å"In the Name of Jesus,† says â€Å"power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love†¦easier to control people than love people. In â€Å"The Last Castle,† we see the contrast of Irwin’s and Winter’s leadership styles in regards to the prisoners. Winter constantly reads the inmates files about the crimes they committed in order to remind himself that they are capable of violence and so he will not ever feel compassion for them. He is hard-nosed and takes no interest into their personal feelings, and he refuses to ever recognize how they could change over time. Irwin, on the other hand, chooses to ignore the inmates’ pasts and focuses on who they are in the present. He recognizes that no matter what they have done, they have a good side as well. In addition, Irwin treats the inmates as men, instead of treating them like stupid children. In the film, Irwin takes interest in a prisoner named Aguilar. Aguilar is not well liked because he is Hispanic. In addition, he has a speech impediment so others think he is dumb. He has no confidence but when Irwin starts treating him like a soldier, and not like a worthless man, he gains his confidence. Irwin recognizes that Aguilar is smart and knows masonry so he puts Aguilar in charge of building the wall. Since Irwin treated Aguilar like a man and a soldier, Aguilar gained confidence and was able to himself become the leader of the wall-building project. In building the wall, the prisoners were building themselves a figurative castle to protect themselves from the unfair practices of Winter. Irwin inspires the men to build the wall to be something that is their own. Irwin suggests that they all work together in order to build a better, stronger wall. Building the wall was something the prisoners did on their own, without the directive of the warden. How to cite The Last Castle, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Neanderthal-Homo Sapiens Hybrid Essays - Human Evolution

Neanderthal-Homo Sapiens Hybrid Implications of Neanderthal-Homo Sapiens Hybrid from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) In a recent excavation at Abrigo do Lagar Velho in Portugal, Duarte et al (1999) unearthed what was later to be recognized as early human skeletal remains which pointed to interbreeding between Neanderthal and Modern Humans during the mid - upper Palaeolithic transition. The morphology of the remains, belonging to a child of approximately 3-4 years old, indicates a Neanderthal typology in post-cranial features, and more modern cranial features. The find has been cited as evidence of hybridization between the two traditionally separate human lines, and offers an explanation to the question of Neanderthal extinction. (Trinkaus 1999) Anthropologists are now offered a line of evidence pointing to the contemopranity of Moderns and Neanderthals in parts of Europe and assumptions can be made about their contact: The discoverers?are making a ground-breaking claim, that the skeleton shows traces of both Neanderthal and modern human ancestry, evidence that modern humans did not simply extinguish the Neanderthals, as many researchers had come to think. Instead the two kinds of human were so alike that in Portugal, at least, they intermingled?for thousands of years. (Kunzig, 1999) By examining the theories of human evolution, and looking at the cultural evolution of tool technology as well as the biological transitions and differences between the two types of humans, we can see that this hybridization just might be the answer. Perhaps this find will be able to tell us what exactly did happen to the Neanderthals. Firstly, it is useful to have an overview of the different theories of human evolution, or I should say the two most widely accepted views as accepted by palaeo-anthropologists in the field. For some years now it has been the contention that the origins of modern humans stem from either a continuous evolution from archaic to modern humans in local regions from an earlier dispersal of Homo erectus, or conversely from modern humans evolved in Africa only which then dispersed to replace those hominids in said regions. These two theories are known as the Continuity or Regional model and the Replacement or Out of Africa model respectively. The fossil (skeletal) and cultural (technological) evidence thus far has pointed to convincing arguments on both sides, which proponents are quick to defend. Neanderthals can be distinguished from anatomically Modern Humans by the presence of prominent brow ridges, low forehead, occipital bun, facial prognathicism, large nasal aperture, and shorter, sturdier skeletal features most notably, distinguishing them from Moderns who were taller and had longer limbs, higher foreheads, lass prominent browridges and rounder skulls. It should be noted that the cranial capacities of both were comparable, with the Neanderthals being even slightly larger. (Klein: 1989) Many proponents of a regional theory claim that such morphological differences show a continuity and depending on how they are viewed can be seen as evidence of variation within a species, not distinct species. This would mean that the Neanderthal morphology developed as an adaptation to the colder glacial climate of Europe and elsewhere. (Wolpoff:1980) From a replacement standpoint however, these differences in morphology are too distinct to be variables on a theme and in conjunction with dates provides evidence supporting that view. (Mellars and Stringer:1989) Neanderthals occupied Europe and the Middle East during a time range usually agreed upon as ranging from roughly 130 kya - 35 kya to as recent as approx. 26kya. Modern populations are seen as early as 100kya in the Middle East and around 40 kya in Europe. At some sites in the middle east, both populations lived in very close proximity to one another for what is thought to be a time range of about 40 000 years. (Akazawa et al:1998) Recent developments in genetic studies have begun to open new lines of evidence in the relatedness of Neanderthals to current modern human populations. By studying the genes of both, we can compare the similarities and differences and calculate whether the two are close enough to say there is a relation or not. This line of research had been theory mostly because the skeletal remains on record had no organic material available from which to extract genetic material (i.e.: collagen in the bone). DNA from a Neanderthal specimen would be able